Barend Voorham, an active member of TS-Point Loma, Blavatskyhouse in the Netherlands, at the invitation of Marcos de Resende and the TS-Adyar in Brazil, conducted an outstanding course at the Theosophical Institute near Brasilia in June 2016. Contacts and open dialogues among Theosophists are tremendously important and fruitful nowadays. Freed from worn out prejudices, exchanging views while deepening the understanding of the teachings, all this accelerated through the good work of International Theosophy Conferences, have luckily become a custom.
When Theosophists around the world from different Theosophical organizations meet each other more often, a cohesive network is created, which ultimately will encompass our entire planet.
In May 2018, Barend met Bruno Carlucci during an event about HPB in Lisbon, Portugal. Bruno is a member of Brasília Lodge in the capital of Brazil. Because Barend had come to Brazil for a family visit, the chairwoman of that Lodge, Maria Alice Fonseca, invited Barend to deliver a lecture on the 16th of January. The title of his talk was Karma and Ahimsa, the Power of Nonviolence.

At the Brasilia Lodge in Brasilia: From the left to the right, Maria Alice Fonseca, Barend and Valeria Marques de Oliveira, who is a co-worker for Theosophy Forward