The influence of the Theosophical Society on World Thought
Bhupendra R. Vora – England

The author
[Currently residing in England, Bhupendra R. Vora is a long-standing member of the Theosophical Society. He is a former General Secretary of the East & Central African Section. Bhupendra writes regularly for The Theosophist and other international Theosophical journals. He has lectured extensively in Africa, Europe and India. He is a member of the General Council at the International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, India and a member of the Council of The International Theosophical Centre in Naarden, Holland]

Mrs. Radha Burnier showing Bhupendra Vora’s book, Healing the Planet, upon the occasion of its release by the East & Central Section of the TS in 2005. Others present, from left to right: Navin Shah, Lady Justice Kalpana Rawal, Bhupendra Vora (behind), Tom Davis and Claude Robertson Dunn.
In the Objects of the Theosophical Society, ‘Universal Brotherhood’ has been given precedence over the other two Objects. It is significant that in the various communications from the Mahatmas this question of Universal Brotherhood features again and again as the only true morality for the human race. In a message sent to the Jubilee Convention of the TS at Adyar in 1925 an Elder Brother said: “We say to you: within this next half-century you can make Brotherhood a living reality in the world. You can cause the warring classes, castes and nations to cease their quarrelling, the warring faiths to live once more in brotherhood, respect and understanding. Make Theosophy a living force in your lives, and through your example these class and caste distinctions, which for so long have bred hatred and misery, shall at no distant time come to be but distinctions of function in the common service of the nation-family and of the World-Brotherhood.”