The Society

Listening to Adyar: A Vibrant Centre with Multiple Voices

Catalina Isaza Cantor – Colombia, India

The Society CAT 2

Statues of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott in Adyar's Headquarters building

It is a pleasure and an honor to celebrate Adyar Day in Adyar itself, the international headquarters of the Theosophical Society (TS), and to be able to share some thoughts about the deep imprint that this place generates. Living and working in Adyar (and even visiting the place for a period of time) are not only great pleasures but also opportunities for transformation. Once one becomes a member of the TS, the name Adyar becomes familiar thanks to anecdotes from other members, documentaries, writings, images, and so on. Once we begin to learn more about the place, a deep affection for it is born, as well as a yearning to visit this sanctuary some day.

Read more: Listening to Adyar: A Vibrant Centre with Multiple Voices

Mini-Interviews Pranab Misra


The Society MI 10

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Pranab Misra, I am from Bhubaneswar, the capital of Odisha, in India and have been a member of Utkal Theosophical Federation since the latter part of 2018.

Read more: Mini-Interviews Pranab Misra

Mini-interviews Lipa Rath

The Society MI 8 Lipa Rath

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Lipa Rath. I’m from Odisha, I’m a member of Debapi Lodge, Bhubaneswar. But I live in Gurgaon, on the outskirts of New Delhi, India. I have been a member since 2012.

Read more: Mini-interviews Lipa Rath

Alka-Seltzer or Viagra?

Jan Nicolaas Kind – Brazil

The Society IF 2

In fact it is so simple, one plus one equals two and not four, the world is round and not flat, while it took around 4,54 billion years to come into being, and not just seven days (sorry, Mr. Vice-President).

Read more: Alka-Seltzer or Viagra?

Mini-interviews Catalina Isaza Cantor

The Society MI 6 Catalina Isaza Cantor

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Catalina Isaza Cantor. I am from Colombia in South-America, got to know the TS in 2003, and eventually became a member in 2006, during the VIII Seminar of the Caribbean Basin held in my country.

Read more: Mini-interviews Catalina Isaza Cantor

Mini-interviews Hilary Lillie


The Society MI 4 Hilary 

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

Hello, greetings. My name is Hilary Lillie. I was born in Athens, Greece and after many years of travelling now live in Devon, England.

Read more: Mini-interviews Hilary Lillie

Mini-interviews Gabriel Burgos

The Society MI 2 GB

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Gabriel Burgos. I am from Colombia, was born in 1925, and am close to turning 95 years old! In 1958, at the age of 33, I became a member of the TS.

Read more: Mini-interviews Gabriel Burgos

Editorial - Being free … (really)

Jan Nicolaas Kind – Brazil

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I wear a mask and use it not to protect myself, but to protect others. I am free because now I can read or re-read all those amazing books I hardly touched because I told myself there was no time. For sure, free I am, because I concluded that the pandemic is climate change in a pressure cooker.

Free because I could go inward, in the quiet surroundings of my meditation room and garden, while trying to connect with all the goodness that still surrounds us on this planet. Really free, because instead of going to my favorite vegan restaurant, I now experiment with various delicious recipes myself, didn’t know the dishes would turn out so well.

Read more: Editorial - Being free … (really)

Mini-interviews Enrico Sempi

  1. The Society MI 4 120 What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Enrico Sempi, and I live in Novara, Italy. In 1981 I joined the Italian Theosophical Society, and on 3rd June 2016 I became an honorary member.

Read more: Mini-interviews Enrico Sempi

Mini-interviews Silvia Caprari

The Society MI 8

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

I’m Silvia Caprari and I live in Milan, Italy but I’m originally from Pisa and I lived for several years in Genoa. I have been a TS member for 5 years.

Read more: Mini-interviews Silvia Caprari

Mini-interviews Uma Bhattacharyya

The Society MI 6 120 Uma

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

I am Uma Bhattacharyya from Varanasi, India. Though I formally became member of The Theosophical Society in 2007, I was associated with it since my childhood as I studied in the school and college situated within the TS campus built by the great visionary & theosophist Dr. Annie Besant.

Read more: Mini-interviews Uma Bhattacharyya

Mini-interviews Kayla Upton

The Society MI 2 120 Kayla

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Kayla Upton and I’m from New Plymouth which is a coastal town on the west side of New Zealand. I’ve been a member of the Theosophical Society for 3 years however I would say that I had a very Theosophical upbringing.

Read more: Mini-interviews Kayla Upton

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