Am I in the Wrong Movie?
[… and some thoughts about internet trolls]
Jan Nicolaas Kind – Brazil

“If we consider carefully the options put before us / So much wisdom so much love so much waiting for us / And if we look ahead there's the sun and the seasons / Another day another age of reason” – from John Farnham’s “Age of Reasons”
For this impressive song, click here
By the end of a year, I tend to turn somewhat sentimental.
Another twelve months went by, offering many opportunities; I realize that perhaps only a handful came to realization. Yes, we are told never to look at what one doesn’t have, but to cherish that what you have in your hands, so I want to make use of this opportunity to thank all those wonderful and hardworking volunteers who have been loyal to Theosophy Forward, making this unique publication possible. Thanks to all, spread out over the planet: The United States (California, Kentucky, and Wheaton-Illinois), Brazil, Costa Rica, Slovenia, Italy, Portugal (Madeira Island), Spain, France, Holland, and India.
When I started off way back in 2009 with this e-magazine, I had no idea where the story would take me. We are five years on the road now and soon the sixth year will commence and there are great plans, quite sensational I must say, but at this stage I cannot reveal more than just that it will be another Theosophical leap forward!