Focus – A simplicity manifesto in the Age of Distraction: Part 15
Leo Babauta -USA
Lao Tzu
There’s a concept in Taoism, “ wei wu wei ” , which is often translated as “ action without action ” or “ effortless doing ”. I prefer to think of it more in the sense of “action that does not involve struggle or excessive effort ”.
This is an important concept, because effortless action is a way to not only achieve focus in a world of chaos, but to be effective without stress, to respond to any si tuation with economy of effort and action, and to pursue our passions while beating procrastination .
Think for a moment of times when you’ve struggled to work, and instead procrastinated by heading for your distractions – email, social networks, blog reading, games, whatever your flavor might be.
This struggle is often a losing battle for most people. They fight against it, but only win occasionally. Effortless action is an easier way to find focus and beat procrastination.