Good News

Good News from the International Secretary, TS-Adyar

GoodNews13fromtheInternationalSecretaryTSAdyar 1
Marja Artamaa

Dear Friends, I warmly thank you for all the encouraging wishes received on my appointment as the International Secretary of the Theosophical Society. This is all so supportive and encouraging while looking forward to working in the President’s team for the cause of the TS at Adyar.

Secretary’s Office

The Secretary’s Office in Adyar has good assistants (Sudha and Nora) and we all serve gladly and communicate well although I am not yet fully in Adyar (it will come true step-by-step). The requests to the Secretary are handled, if not immediately, within a convenient time depending on the matter.

Read more: Good News from the International Secretary, TS-Adyar

Good News from International Theosophy Conferences Inc.

The ITC 2014 gathering took place from August 15 to 18, 2014 in Naarden, The Netherlands.

The theme was Theosophy, Unity and Helping the World – where do we go from here?

All roads led to Naarden and it was the best ITC Conference ever!

Smiling participants; it was hard to fit all on the stage of the Besant Hall

Nancy and David Reigle

Before the meeting the well-known scholars and researchers David and Nancy Reigle sent the organizers the following message:

We were able to watch quite a bit of the previous (2014) ITC held in New York, via the webcast that Herman Vermeulen's group did. Very nice! We were glad to see such good cooperation just as it was promoted for a long time in Theosophy Forward. It is wonderful that International Theosophy Conferences, for several years now, have been bringing together Theosophists of all backgrounds. We send our best wishes to all who have come together for the present conference, at the beautiful Naarden Centre, in promoting the spirit of true Theosophy.”

For all Greetings from around the World, click here:

Objectives for this conference:

  1. To ensure we keep Theosophy alive for future generations, i.e., not back to Blavatsky, but forward with Blavatsky.

  2. To bring together representatives of Theosophical organizations and students of Theosophy who are committed to spread Theosophy as presented by HPB and the Masters.

  3. To intensify ties by fostering meaningful intercommunication among all Theosophical organizations as well as independent Theosophists.

  4. To exchange ideas and best practices on how to present Theosophy in an accessible and inspiring way.

Read more: Good News from International Theosophy Conferences Inc.

Good news from the EFTS

The 37th European Congress, organised by the European Federation of the Theosophical Society (Adyar) and French Section, was held from the 30th of July to the 3rd of August 2014 in Paris, France, at the Adyar Theatre and the premises of the TS in France. The theme “Bridging Science and Spirituality” attracted more than 180 participants from 23 countries.


The theme was covered by 18 speakers, among them International President, Tim Boyd, and several scientists and researchers: Andrej Detela (Slovenia), Ulrich Morhhoff (Germany/India), Muriel Pécastaing-Boissière (France) and Luc Lambs (France), as well as Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, Chairman of the EFTS and General Secretary of the TS France together with many General Secretaries and workers in Europe (programme available on the EFTS website at

Read more: Good news from the EFTS

Good News from the TOS in Italy

TOS in Italy helps Syrian refugees

The TOS group in the city of Vicenza in Italy, coordinated by Sandra Sartori and Stefania Schiavo, continues its relief work supporting the Syrian refugee camp of Bab al Salam in collaboration with the international association Time4Life which leads the relief project.

Stefania and Sandra hand over boxes of relief material to Paolo Brunello

Read more: Good News from the TOS in Italy

Good News from the European School of Theosophy

This School wants: “… to provide opportunities in Europe for the study of Theosophy in order to ensure the continuing preservation and dissemination of the esoteric philosophy.”


European School 2014

10 - 15 October

at the International Theosophical Centre

Naarden - The Netherlands

In the Beginning was the Word”

Discovering the Logos in Kosmos and Man

Speakers: David Roef, Pablo Sender and others

In the Beginning was the Word...

This famous opening line to the Gospel of John is intuitively recognized by many readers as a bijasutra, a seminal maxim pointing to divine mind and speech as the source of existence. Although “Word” is an inadequate rendering of the original Greek term Logos, it still intimates a fundamental esoteric teaching, i.e. that behind and within the universe operates a power of “reason”, an ordering principle of mediation and relationship which forms the living heart of the cosmic pattern.

Read more: Good News from the European School of Theosophy

Good News from The Netherlands

On Sunday the 10th of August 2014 the international president Tim Boyd accompanied by his wife Lily was in The Netherlands for a meeting with some 100 members from Belgium and The Netherlands, the “Dutch Day,” in the Besant Hall of the International Theosophical Centre in Naarden.

Lily and Tim Boyd surrounded by enthusiastic members from Belgium and The Netherlands

Before the meeting many informal and animated conversations with Tim Boyd already took place. The president addressed the members and spoke about the need for helping hands from all nations for our international society. His frank and open approach was highly appreciated.

Tim Boyd speaks in the Besant Hall, members are listening attentively

After the group picture was taken and the lunch there was a session with questions and answers in the Besant Hall. It was a delight to see the interaction between the members who could ask questions on the one hand and Tim Boyd addressing those on the other, in a very open and broadminded manner.

To see Tim Boyd in action follow this link.

Before closing the Dutch Day, all could attend a meditative meeting that was organized by the Link Officers of the ITC. (International Theosophical Centre)

Here participants were invited to form a channel for higher energies to transmit the powers Peace and Unity to the whole world:

There is One Life, One Will and One Brotherhood of Nations. May the Spirit of Unity and Love, that knows no barriers, make Brotherhood in the world a living reality.”

Good News from the European School of Theosophy

This School wants: “… to provide opportunities in Europe for the study of Theosophy in order to ensure the continuing preservation and dissemination of the esoteric philosophy.”


European School 2014

10 - 15 October

at the International Theosophical Centre

Naarden - The Netherlands

In the Beginning was the Word”

Discovering the Logos in Kosmos and Man

Speakers: David Roef and Pablo Sender

other speakers to be announced later

In the Beginning was the Word...

This famous opening line to the Gospel of John is intuitively recognized by many readers as a bijasutra, a seminal maxim pointing to divine mind and speech as the source of existence. Although “Word” is an inadequate rendering of the original Greek term Logos, it still intimates a fundamental esoteric teaching, i.e. that behind and within the universe operates a power of “reason”, an ordering principle of mediation and relationship which forms the living heart of the cosmic pattern.

Read more: Good News from the European School of Theosophy

Good News from Amsterdam

Symposium in the Westerkerk in Amsterdam Was a Great Success

The Westerkerk in the hearth of Amsterdam

On March 29, the Dutch section of Theosophical Society, Adyar, organized an important symposium. It was the fifth one in a series of symposiums initiated by the Lectorium Rosicrucianum. It took place in the famous Westerkerk, and was attended by approximately 350 visitors.

Waiting to get in

Read more: Good News from Amsterdam

Good News from Adyar

The Olcott Memorial High School in Adyar extends its work and needs our help

The grounds

For 120 years, the Olcott Memorial High School has been providing a solid education for underprivileged boys and girls in Adyar, a suburb of Chennai in India. Now it has a special need for our help in an important extension of its higher educational work. Until recently, the children were given the standard Indian ten years of education with a common curriculum (five years in primary school and five in secondary), culminating in the Secondary School Leaving Certificate exams of the Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education.


 The staff

Read more: Good News from Adyar

Good News from ITC (International Theosophy Conferences Inc.)

From August 15–18, 2014 all roads lead to the International Theosophical Centre in Naarden, The Netherlands, a wonderfully located spiritual retreat center fostering brotherhood and peace.


On this peaceful estate, International Theosophy Conferences Inc. will host a historic meeting and invites participation by Theosophists from all over the world, belonging to all organizations, but also independent Theosophists and sympathizers who are actively involved in studying or promoting Theosophy.

Theosophist from all over the world will attend: India, New Zealand, South Africa, Zambia, Brazil, Honduras, the USA, Iceland, Madeira and many other European countries.

Introduction speakers: Tim Boyd (keynote), Barend Voorham, Betty Bland, Eugene Jennings, Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, Joop Smits and Jacques Mahnich.

The conference theme will be “Theosophy, Unity and Helping the World ... Where do we go from here?”

Read more: Good News from ITC (International Theosophy Conferences Inc.)

Good News from Munich

Last March, “Theosophy World News”, an independent, international, non-commercial Theosophical newsletter was launched. It provides an overview of all international content covering the subject of Theosophy that appears on line worldwide. Among the topics in the newsletter are: magazines, videos, events, news, articles on Theosophical and non-Theosophical websites and reviews of books.


At the time of the launch, Steven Otto the initiator of the new project and an independent Theosophist wrote: “Theosophy gives me very much; therefore I want to give something back in return.”

Theosophists supporting this project are invited to sign up for the newsletter. So if you think “Theosophy World News” is not only good news, but also a good idea, follow the link below and tell other Theosophists about it. The service is absolutely free.

Sign up here:

Theosophy World News” 1st Quarter 2014:

Good News from the EFTS



You are invited to the

European Congress 2014

Bridging Science and Spirituality

30 July to 3 August

Paris, France


(Opening: 30 July morning – Closing: 3 August before lunch)

Working languages of the Congress are English and French


Organized by

The European Federation of the Theosophical Society and the Theosophical Society in France

Short History of the Congresses in Europe

The first Congress in Europe took place in 1903 in London, England, with the guest speaker Colonel Henry S. Olcott. In the beginning of the 20 th century, Congresses were organized almost annually; this established a firm foundation for Theosophists to come together regularly, so that even during the war years Congresses still took place.

In the second half of the 20 th century, Congresses were organized after every three or four years. In the 21 st century, there have been four Congresses until now: in 2003 in Naarden, The Netherlands (Centenary of the EFTS); in 2004 in Porto, Portugal; in 2007 in Helsinki, Finland; and in 2010 in Rome, Italy (World Congress).

Since the beginning of the 20 th century, there have been six Congresses in France. The latest Congress in Paris, which was World Congress, took place in 1971. The latest Congress in France took place in 1984 in Poitiers, which means that exactly after 30 years, in 2014 to be precise, which is also 111 th anniversary of the European Federation of the Theosophical Society, the 37 th European Congress will be organized again in France, this time in in its capital, Paris.

The aim of the 37th European Congress is to bring members and sympathizers together from Europe and the world, and furthermore to investigate the connection between science and spirituality today.

Read more: Good News from the EFTS

Good News from the Inter-American Theosopical Federation

Congress May 28 – June 1, 2014
Location: Headquarters of the Theosophical Society in America, Olcott.
1926 North Main Street, Wheaton, IL 60187

Olcott in Wheaton

Conference theme:
“Theosophy as Action.”

Join with coworkers from North, South, and Central America. Renowned Theosophical speakers from USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico will present Theosophy as a practical power embracing cultures, societies, and the individual. Simultaneous translation in English and Spanish will be available.

Link to program in English:

Link to program in Spanish:

Good News from The International Theosophical Centre, Naarden – The Netherlands

ANTHROPOGENESIS: The Evolution of the Human Soul as described in The Stanzas of Dzyan.

Dates: 13-18 June 2014

The speaker, Martin Leiderman, is an Industrial Engineer, resident in Los Angeles, working for an electronic avionics company. He is a long time student of Theosophy as well as a national and international lecturer in Spanish and English. He, with his wife Susan, holds a weekly study group at his home and participates in the Spanish Study Group in Los Angeles. He is also presently a Board Member of the Krotona Institute of Theosophy.

Martin Leiderman

The Stanzas of Dzyan are considered to be part of the earliest writings about the Ancient Wisdom and form the foundation of the major work of H. P. Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine. They contain the main ideas to be studied, contemplated and realized in a practical manner by all students of Theosophy.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For information call :(+) 31 (0)35 5417118 

The registration form can be downloaded from and sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Good News from London

International Conference On Theosophical History – Call For Papers

An international conference on Theosophical history will be held at 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA on Saturday and Sunday, 20-21 September 2014.

The chair of the conference is Professor James Santucci, editor of the quarterly journal Theosophical History 

Any person may submit a paper to the Programme Committee on any aspect of the subject, including the relationship between Theosophy and the arts. Summaries of not more than 200 words should be sent by 8 May 2014 to the associate editor, Mr. Leslie Price at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Conference participants will be responsible for their own travel, meals and accommodation but those presenting papers will be exempt from registration fees.

Good News from Kenya

Why did Usha Shah, Convenor of the TOS work in Kenya, turn up at the International TOS Conference in the USA with purple toe nails?

As we all know, there are many ways of serving in this world. One of the easiest ever for Usha Shah was to serve as a guinea pig at the vocational skills training days she organized in late June for ladies in Nairobi. Manicure, pedicure and hairdressing were scheduled and Usha went in feet first! Enjoy reading her lively report.

Read more: Good News from Kenya

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