Our Work - A Student

From a student

The Santa Barbara United Lodge of Theosophists (California-USA) currently offers a year-round Sunday evening lectures. Two speakers each talk on a theme for 15 or 20 minutes, and then take up questions from the hall.  The last meeting of each month is a short talk followed by questions submitted during the month.

Indian Lotus

There is a Wednesday evening Study Class during the school year (October through June) which takes up a book or article by H. P. Blavatsky, William Quan Judge or Robert Crosbie.

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Our Work - Jan Nicolaas Kind

Introduction by Jan Nicolaas Kind:

Our dear friend and co-worker Sally passed away last February. I was actually editing her article for the OUR WORK series when I received the news. Sally was a stalwart worker for Theosophy all her life, and as its President supported the initiatives taken by International Theosophy Conferences to bring Unity about among all Theosophical traditions. She and her husband Jim had many plans still. Sally was a remarkable, loveable, no-nonsense woman who devoted her very last moments to the Cause. She was and is shining example for all of us; an inspiration to continue with the work that needs to be done. After consulting with Jim we have decided to honor Sally by publishing her contribution in full.

Sally Colbert – USA

Sally and Jim Colbert

We, my husband Jim and I, are feeling the energy of union with all Theosophical traditions and are putting this into practice. Although I have a United Lodge of Theosophists background I now feel a kinship with all Theosophists. I was involved in bringing greater life into International Theosophy Conferences, Inc. and was its President for a number of years. My intention was to give this organization a primary focus for Theosophical unity. There is a statement in the teachings the Masters cannot help unless there is unity among Theosophists. I discovered there have been hundreds of Theosophists over the years working towards unity who have not been recognized and given the prominence they so deserve. We have felt so honored to be a part of this.

Read more: Our Work - Jan Nicolaas Kind

Our Work - Dan Smolla

Dan Smolla – USA

The Henry S. Olcott Memorial Library

What a wonderful and inspiring place to be…

The essence of what we are doing at the Henry S. Olcott Memorial Library at the Theosophical Society in America is combining new technology and programs with “classic” Theosophy.  Most of what we do in this fashion is captured on the “Library News” portion of our website:  http://www.theosophical.org/library/library-home/library-news

Read more: Our Work - Dan Smolla

Our Work - Marie Harkness

The Theosophic Life, To Live To Serve

Marie Harkness – Northern Ireland

Link to All Ireland Website: click here

According to H. P. B., every true Theosophist, worthy of the name, should be a ‘beneficent force of nature.’ This could be interpreted as possessing a selfless, kindly energy and capacity which can, through example, influence for the better all life, but particularly the mind and behaviour of others.

Read more: Our Work - Marie Harkness

Our Work - Joma Sipe

Joma Sipe – Portugal

Describing the work

In general, I do not have any specific training in the arts. The Portuguese art classes I took were basically about visual experiences and drawing, without training in arts with some specific school. I am a civil engineer in my “working hours” during a part of my day, working with Autocad (computer assisted drawing program), drawing and projecting new houses and roads projects. I think my skills as a civil engineer helped me with the geometrical and accurate form of drawing, trying to be as “perfect” as possible with the lines. I am essentially self-educated in the drawing process and art. Since my early years, I was always interested in art, drawing and painting as a hobby.

My interest in art is related to subjects like Symbolism, and the Symbolist Movement of the late XIX century. I am also very interested in the Pré-Raphaelite Movement, English and French Symbolist painters like Burne-Jones, Simeon Solomon, William Blake, Walter Crane, Watts, Gustave Moreau, the Belgian painter Jean Delville, Fernand Khnopff, Arnold Bocklin, among many others. In the XX century, especially the artists Johfra Bosschart and Diana Vandenberg.

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