Our Work - Members in Africa
From members of Theosophical Society in East & Central Africa
Theosophy first came to the East African shores in 1905. Over the 107 years The Theosophical Society in our Section has seen many ups and down in its work of spreading the message of Theosophy. Our East & Central African Section (which consists of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia) was formed in 1947. At its height, in seventies, the number of lodges reached a respectable figure of 60 lodges. The number of lodges and members has since then been decreasing steadily.
To-day Nairobi (Kenya) and Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania) lodges are active in dissemination of Theosophy as well as TOS (Theosophical Order of Service) work.
Over the years Nairobi Lodge has organized regular weekly meetings in English and Gujarati. Its programmes are varied in order to cater for the beginners and older members. It has kept pace with the changing times and has formulated its programmes which not only gives room to the established speakers but also trains new and upcoming (as well as shy) members. The programmes include book studies, theme based series on philosophy and religion, general subjects where the speakers present subjects of their own choice, inter-active and group discussions, seminars, programme of devotional songs, video presentations and holding public talks to attract new members. All our programmes are free and open to non members.