Good News

Good News from Costa Rica

Theosophical Center in Costa Rica

From Maria Orlich in San José, we received the following message regarding the plans for building a Theosophical Center in Costa Rica.

Members meet on the grounds where soon the Center will be constructed

The property for this project is located in San Pablo de León Cortés, about 70 km. from the capital, San José, at an altitude of 1,600 m., with a very pleasant weather. The property is surrounded by a forest of native oak trees which need to be protected, so only a portion of the land is suitable for construction; for now, local authorities have allowed 700 sq. m. for this purpose.

Read more: Good News from Costa Rica

Good News from Ukraine

We received a report from Svitlana Gavrylenko in Ukraine. 

This year of 2011 marks the one-hundred-eightieth anniversary from the birth and the one-hundred-twentieth from the date of transition to a different plane of our outstanding compatriot Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. The International Forum, dedicated to Blavatsky's heritage and its value in the modern world, took place in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, on June 23-6.

The Forum was attended by representatives from twelve Ukrainian cities and five cities in Russia. There were also representatives from Spain, Italy, Belarus, and Romania.

Special guests of the Forum were the General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Italy, Mr. Antonio Girardi, who was accompanied by Patrizia and Sergio Calvi; and a former President of the Theosophical Society in Spain, Mrs. Mercedes Villa Robuste, was also present. She came with her daughter Diana and granddaughter Sarah, so there were three generations of Theosophists.

Although this event took place last June, we are pleased to publish some photos to give readers of Theosophy Forward an impression.

Group photo

Read more: Good News from Ukraine

Good News from New Zealand

Simple Acts of kindness

In recent issues of this newsletter [TOS in] we have celebrated some simple acts of kindness that no one gets to hear about. Now we feature a Theosophist whose service to the TS has gone largely unseen because it has always been performed in the background.

Bernice "back home" in New Zealand

The President’s Secretary

Bernice Croft acted for ten years as Secretary to our International TS President, Radha Burnier, before retiring last February and returning to her native New Zealand. While many of us around the world wish Bernice a happy retirement, we know in fact, that she is as busy as ever, and has really only changed her service address from India to New Zealand where, amongst other community activities, she has resumed her long-standing membership of Soroptimist International, a volunteer service organisation for business and professional women working to improve the lives of women and girls in local communities and throughout the world. Her busy life has also included attending the annual ES retreat at The Manor in Sydney, Australia in May, joining a creative writing group and lecturing at the Wellington TS Lodge.    Bravo, Bernice!

Read more: Good News from New Zealand

Good News from Costa Rica

Theosophical Center in Costa Rica

From Maria Orlich in San José, we received the following message regarding the plans for building a Theosophical Center in Costa Rica.

Members meet on the grounds where soon the Center will be constructed

The property for this project is located in San Pablo de León Cortés, about 70 km. from the capital, San José, at an altitude of 1,600 m., with a very pleasant weather. The property is surrounded by a forest of native oak trees which need to be protected, so only a portion of the land is suitable for construction; for now, local authorities have allowed 700 sq. m. for this purpose.

Read more: Good News from Costa Rica

Good News from Slovenia

Annual visit of the Chairman of the European Federation of Theosophical Societies (EFTS) to Slovenia.

From October 25 till November 1, 2011, the visit of the EFTS Chairman, Ms. Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu, took place. As was the case last year, it was jointly organized by the EFTS and the independent Institute Rman in Koper with the help of a number of Slovenian Theosophical workers.

Lecture at the Creative Center Abram

Read more: Good News from Slovenia

Good News from Julian, California

International Theosophy Conferences Inc. organized an impressive event in the mountains of Julian, California, on August 11–14. Julian is a small but picturesque town about one-and-a-half-hours drive from San Diego.

The theme of the conference was “The Heart of Wisdom, a Concurrence of Science and Spirituality from a Theosophical Perspective.”

During four days, Theosophists from various traditions and different parts of the world listened to excellent speakers and exchanged ideas covering a wide range of topics, such as Theosophical publications, Theosophy and health, Theosophy, education and youth, Theosophy and science, and meditation and mysticism.

Representatives of the Theosophical Society, Point Loma (The Hague), the United Lodge of Theosophists, the Adyar Theosophical Society, and two independent Theosophical groups, underscored the urgent need for Theosophical unity.

Group photo taken after the closing of the event

It was touching and encouraging to observe that a true and respectful exchange took place. Theosophists from different traditions got together on the basis of mutual respect, thus putting brotherhood into practice.

Read more: Good News from Julian, California

Good News from Russia

Theosophical Work in Russia

Theosophy Forward received this report from Konstantin Zaitzev

For the last two decades Moscow was the center of the Theosophical work in Russia. Most of the Theosophical books were published here, and the Theosophical meetings were held regularly, without interruption.

Our Moscow Theosophical Society is an informal group, very loosely connected with the TS Adyar (through several of its members) and it has no officers. Everyone does the work which he likes or just visits the meetings. Our work is directed to the three objects of the Theosophical Society rather than to the study of Theosophical literature. There are two kinds of meetings. The lectures are conducted fortnightly, but they aren't Theosophical lectures in the sense of giving basics of Theosophical teachings. We listen to the guest speakers who are scientists, representatives of different religions, or just persons having their own original philosophy, and then we try to understand their ideas in the light of Theosophy. Nevertheless sometimes we give our own lectures about our understanding of Theosophy. These meetings are open for everyone and their schedule is published online.

Dutch Theosophists, on the right, visiting Russia

Read more: Good News from Russia

Good News from Naarden – The Netherlands

Garden of Remembrance at the I.T.C.

You are all invited to participate in the following:

Discovering Silence and its Deeper Aspects

A Meditation Retreat based on H. P. Blavatsky’s Meditation Diagram, conducted by Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu

October 12 – 16, 2011

International Theosophical Centre
Meentweg 9 1411 GR Naarden,
The Netherlands

Phone        : + - (0)31—6945121
Email        : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website    :

Read more: Good News from Naarden – The Netherlands

Good News from the international TOS

The message from Diana Dunningham Chapotin that you are about to read concerns the TOS’s action in the face of the catastrophic famine prevailing in the horn of Africa. In a world with more than enough to feed itself, all hunger is an unnecessary tragedy. The current famine in southern Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya is an open wound on the world’s conscience.

We want to hold your hand


Read more: Good News from the international TOS

Good News from Kreivila, Finland

August 16 till 21 was quite a busy week for the members of the Executive Committee and the Council of the Theosophical Society in Europe – Federation of National Societies, since they gathered at the Theosophical Center in Kreivila, Finland. During their meetings on August 16 and 17 they had to address important issues concerning the work of the Federation over the last working year.

Members of the EFTS Council

Read more: Good News from Kreivila, Finland

Good News from Ireland

Glimpses of Theosophical work in Ireland

Theosophically speaking, a momentous event took place at the Malone Lodge Hotel, Belfast in June 2005. The TS in Ireland became one unit, under the umbrella of a Regional Association encompassing all the Theosophists of good standing in Ireland. At that time, there was a Lodge in Limerick, Southern Ireland and Belfast Lodge in Northern Ireland. Within recent years the expanding Study Group in Dublin morphed into a newly chartered Lodge, appropriately named Phoenix Lodge.

Tea break after meeting Belfast Lodge

Members after meeting Belfast Lodge

Coleraine Study Group

Read more: Good News from Ireland

Good News from Julian, California USA

Julian, breathtaking surroundings

International Theosophy Conference, August 11-14 – Julian, California

“The Heart of Wisdom, A Concurrence of Science and Spirituality…from the Theosophical Perspective”

Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. – HeartMath
Eugene Jennings, M.D. – Mysticism
Helena Kerekhazi, Ph.D.Cand. – Holistic Health
Joop Smits – Science …and much more

Phones: (760) 765-1090 – (619) 283-0142

$25 Registration 


Or check:


Good News from Finland

Supporting educational projects

The TOS in Finland has been energetically raising awareness about three spiritually oriented educational projects it has chosen to support: a children’s home in southern Finland, the Olcott Memorial School and the Social Welfare Centre at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Children lining up at the Social Welfare Centre at Adyar

Members have conducted two main fund raising events this past year: a spring festival concert with the theme of the love of nature and a Christmas bazaar with beautiful sale items hand made by the members, along with organic food.

Read more: Good News from Finland

Good News from Paris

Diana Dunningham Chapotin

Diana is the International Secretary of the Theosophical Order of Service.  Originally from New Zealand, she lives in France with her husband, Michel Chapotin, who is the national director of the TOS in that country.

Diana Dunningham Chapotin

Diana has been a member of the TS in New Zealand for 45 years and is a life member of the TS in America where she worked for nine years under Joy Mills at the Krotona School of Theosophy.

Her main activity now is ensuring that the Theosophical Order of Service gives as much support to the TS as it can in making the teachings of Theosophy of transformative value in the world. 

Theosophists, as some complain, are not always aware of what is going on around them, maintaining a rather narrow minded world view, or being too busy with their own and typical Theosophical issues. Diana certainly is an exception to this apparent rule, describing herself as not a writing or studying kind of person, but far more an action one.

In Theosophical literature time and time again we are reminded that the only reason why we are here, in this stage of our development, is to reach out to those who are in need, to humbly help, comfort, shelter and guide them, so that they can widen their horizon and grow out of their less fortunate circumstances. That is Theosophy in action, and that is exactly what Diana has done for many years.

Kathleen F. Hall from Canada, in her article Our World, published on Theosophy Forward*, very correctly quoted H. P. Blavatsky from The Key to Theosophy (p 229) "Duty is that which is due to Humanity, to our fellow-men, neighbours, family, and especially that which we owe to all those who are poorer and more helpless than we are ourselves."

Read more: Good News from Paris

Good News from Slovenia

Mary Anderson has been visiting Slovenia for twenty-five years

This year, 2011, marks the twenty-fifth year since our dear guest, Mrs. Mary Anderson, visited Slovenia for the first time.

During these years it was hard to imagine any Slovenia Summer School of the Theosophical Society without her guidance and the regular public lectures, in which she addressed wider audiences.

Whenever she came, she inspired and motivated members of the Theosophical Society in Slovenia with her straightforward and warm conduct, based on a deep understanding and an always fresh presentation of complex Theosophical subjects.

Over the years, her contribution to the promotion of Theosophy in Slovenia has been so positive that it was possible to properly compile a book, in which the editors inserted thirty-three lectures on a hundred and seventy-five large-format printed pages.

Read more: Good News from Slovenia

Good News from Point Loma – San Diego, USA

An invitation

Herewith we invite you to a four days’ gathering, organized nearby the former Theosophical Headquarters at Point Loma in San Diego, California.

Point Loma Nazarene University (former Point Loma Theosophical Headquarters)

This unique opportunity prompted us to organize this Convivium in the days (Sunday afternoon, August 14 – Wednesday, August 17) following the ITC Conference (Thursday, August 11 – Sunday morning, August 14), which is being held in Julian, Ca. in the scenic mountains an hour east of San Diego.

Point Loma Theater

Everywhere in the world there are Theosophists active, who are in some way connected with the Theosophical activities in Point Loma. Some of those Theosophists know each other for many years, but recently the contacts between a number of ‘Point Loma’ Theosophists in America and Europe have increased and intensified. This contact and interactivity has increased during several theosophical activities in the last five years, for instance the ITC Conferences, visits to each others study groups etc, and the digitalization of the remainders of the Point Loma Archive. During all those contacts an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust has been built: the basis for an effort to look beyond the boundaries of each one’s own Theosophical activities. This has brought to fruition this first Point Loma Convivium to which we wish to invite your participation.

Ken Small  & Herman C. Vermeulen

Ken Small (l) and Herman C. Vermeulen (r)

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