The Society

Mini-interviews Seth Edwards


The Society MI 10 Seth Edwards

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Seth Edwards, I’m from the USA, and I’ve been a member of the Theosophical Society since 2013.

Read more: Mini-interviews Seth Edwards

Mini-interviews Elena Bessie Camplone

The Society MI 8

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Elena Bessie Camplone, I come from Pescara, a charming town on the Adriatic coast in Abruzzo, a beautiful Italian region. In my city unfortunately there are no theosophical groups, so in 2014 I joined the TS as an independent member, remaining in the occult mode for five years. I read magazines and books but I didn't know anyone. In 2019 I finally started to actively participate, also thanks to the general increase in digital media that we have seen in recent years.

Read more: Mini-interviews Elena Bessie Camplone

Mini-interviews Swathi Reddy

The Society MI 6

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Swathi and I am from India. I have been associated with Theosophy since my early childhood,.

Read more: Mini-interviews Swathi Reddy

Mini-interviews Juliet Bates

The Society MI 4


  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Juliet A.M. Bates. This time round I was born in England and emigrated to Australia around four, with later years spent living in Italy, Abu Dhabi and Singapore, sprinkled with trips around the world and, later on, home visits to my mother in England. I became a member in 2010, though active in study groups, and theosophical work for decades.

Read more: Mini-interviews Juliet Bates

Mini-interviews Arturo Alonso Carmona Peláez


The Society MI 2 Arturo

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Arturo Alonso Carmona Peláez, I am from Medellín, Antioquia department, the Republic of Colombia, South America

Read more: Mini-interviews Arturo Alonso Carmona Peláez

A NEW beginning

Jan Nicolaas Kind – Brazil

The Society ALAS JNK 2

The series ALAS AND AFTER has come to an end, but at the same time this “end” implies a new beginning. The dialogue among Theosophists from all four corners of the globe, no matter their affiliation, or independent and all other genuine seekers will continue and expand even without any preconditions or self-imposed rules, since the search for Truth cannot be hindered nor defeated by plain stubbornness, prejudice and ignorance.

About International Theosophy Conferences, all what had to be said was said, all what had to be written was written, and now it’s up to each and everyone’s discernment to come to conclusions; as a dear friend of mine often says: “IT IS WHAT IT IS.”

Read more: A NEW beginning

Alas and after - Gottfried de Purucker and the PLTS: The Universal, Non-sectarian View Beyond Dogmas, Books and Labels.

Questions and Answers with Kenneth Small.

[Note from the editor: Kenneth Small is to be considered a reliable and unbiased source. For many years he and both his parents, Carmen and Emmett Small, were involved with Point Loma Publications and through this interview we come to know firsthand facts. For earnest students it is interesting to observe that Kenneth sheds a rather different light on Gottfried de Purucker as a person and his work. In 2007 he sent an invitation to the leader of the TS Point Loma-Blavatskyhouse group and his wife to attend the ITC conference in Petaluma, California and introduced them to those who, at the time, were involved with organizing the annual ITC meetings in the USA]  

The Society ALAS KEN 2

 Kenneth Small

  1. Who are you and what was, or still is your involvement with the Theosophical Movement?

 My name is Kenneth Small and I live in California. Growing up in a Point Loma theosophical family, from the exile esoteric group, I was mentored in theosophy from a young age by lifelong students of Theosophy and their inclusive universal view has always inspired me throughout my life. I am in accord with Blavatsky’s view that the Theosophical Movement is a global one and much vaster than the organized theosophical organizations or groups. Blavatsky says, quoting Vaughn:

“A Theosophist,” he says-- “is one who gives you a theory of God or the works of God, which has not revelation, but an inspiration of his own for its basis." In this view every great thinker and philosopher, especially every founder of a new religion, school of philosophy, or sect, is necessarily a Theosophist. Hence, Theosophy and Theosophists have existed ever since the first glimmering of nascent thought made man seek instinctively for the means of expressing his own independent opinions.”[i]

Read more: Alas and after - Gottfried de Purucker and the PLTS: The Universal, Non-sectarian View Beyond...

ALAS and after – Alas Maybe… but Never Too Late

Eugene Jennings – USA

The Society ALAS GJ 2

Gene in his homeoffice ... 

Having been one of several individuals active in and with the efforts of International Theosophy Conferences (ITC) since its incipient days, after Willie Dade’s passing, I have seen its emergence and evolution from the beginning. From participant point of view to vice-president, to president, whatever it has accomplished, whatever it has become, for better or worse, I feel and bear, a direct connection and partial responsibility. Even more so do I bear responsibility for how it has become shaped, and the direction it has taken, over the last few years, until my resignation on January 4th, 2021. For the record: a resignation related to the realization that there is a proper "time, season and karmic reason" for all things. At the same time, while in good health, I recognized the need to fit myself for other necessary duties that had arisen in life.

Read more: ALAS and after – Alas Maybe… but Never Too Late

Alas and after - In Search of the Dynamics of Unity

Jonathan Colbert – USA

The Society ALAS JC 2 Jonathan smiling

Jonatan Colbert during the 142nd International; Convention in Adyar - January 2018


The chiefs want a Brotherhood of Man

                                                             Mahatma, K.H.


Instead of our three Objects being, as often erroneously supposed, separate, distinct, disconnected, they are in truth intimately and vitally related to each other.

                                                                 Bertram Keightley


During the years of conversing with Jim Colbert (my father) and his consort Sally Colbert as they envisioned the unfoldings of the ITC (International Theosophy Conferences), and during my years of serving on the Board of the ITC, I came to understand that all the distinct theosophical traditions have a unique genius to offer the world. A few years ago, I submitted an essay to Theosophy Forward called, “Concentric Circles: Why I Support the ITC.” In it, I made the case that all the theosophical traditions have the same center, that of universal brotherhood. I wrote then and I still believe that integrity, purity, and generosity are the hallmarks of each of the existing mainstreams, each in their own way.

Read more: Alas and after - In Search of the Dynamics of Unity

ALAS and after- Unity and Diversity in the Theosophical Movement

Pablo Sender – USA

The Society Alas and after PS 2

The author

The subject of unity and diversity is central in the Theosophical tradition. The general view is that all the diverse forms we see around us are but different expressions of an underlying Unity. However, this does not mean that diversity is a mistake or a mirage--all the manifested forms are necessary and unique expressions of the Oneness, which provide the divine sparks a variety of experiences essential for the full realization of their potential. Diversity becomes a problem only when the different expressions fail to work in a harmonious way, within the greater context of the underlying unity.

Read more: ALAS and after- Unity and Diversity in the Theosophical Movement

ALAS and after – Thoughts on Theosophy

The Society ALAS 2 and after THOUGHTS

[Note from the editor: In the series “Alas and after” an historical and revealing article in which the (anonymous) author warns for “dead letter dogma”, in case too much importance is given to the written word, symbols or phrases. This short piece domes from Lucifer, 1887, v. 1, n. 2, p. 134. Special thanks to Erica Georgiades] 

 “The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life,” this is the keynote of all true reform. Theosophy is the vehicle of the spirit that gives life; consequently, nothing dogmatic can be truly theosophical. It is incorrect, therefore, to describe a mere unearthing of dead letter dogmas as “Theosophic work.”

Read more: ALAS and after – Thoughts on Theosophy

Alas and after - Alice A. Bailey on why spiritual groups in their second generation face disaster


[The Society Alas and after AB 2

Alice Bailey 

Note from the editor: This specific quote is to be found in Spiritual Leadership, an unknown and almost forgotten work by Bailey. Although your editor is not well-versed on the topic of her work and realizing that she had her own fargoing issues with the Theosophical Society,  Alice Bailey, June 16, 1880 – December 15, 1949, right or wrong, is to be distinguished as another driven seeker. She refers clearly in this quote to the known concerns in relation to so-called leadership  Her commentary is appropriate in the series Alas and after.]

Read more: Alas and after - Alice A. Bailey on why spiritual groups in their second generation face disaster

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