
Majjhima Nikaya

Majjhima NikayaLet us watch at the gates of our senses. Let us be moderate in all that regards our nourishment; let us vow ourselves to vigilance and be armed with an intelligence that no fumes have veiled.

Majjhima Nikaya (a Buddhist scripture)

Chuang Tse

Chuang Tse

Your body is an image of heaven and earth confided to your keeping. Your life is the harmony of heaven and earth confided to your keeping.

Chuang Tse (an influential Chinese philosopher who lived around the 4th century BC)


PasteurThe man who proclaims the existence of the Infinite accumulates, in this affirmation, more of the supernatural than there is in the miracles of all the religions. So long as the mystery of the Infinite weighs upon human thought, temples will be raised for the cult of the Infinite.

Pasteur (French chemist and microbiologist)


CiceroThere is a primary law, eternal, invariable, engraved in the hearts of all; it is Right Reason. Never does it speak in vain to the virtuous man, whether it ordains or prohibits. The wicked alone are untouched by its voice. It is easy to be understood and is not different in one country and in another; it is today what it will be tomorrow and for all time.

Cicero (roman philosopher, statesman, orator and political theorist)


ProverbsBehold the beginning of wisdom; therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting, get understanding. Exalt her and she shall promote thee. She shall bring thee to honor, when thou dost embrace her. She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace; a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.


Japanese Buddhist Meditation

Japanese Buddhist MeditationWisdom is like unto a beacon set on high, which radiates its lights even in the darkest night.


Japanese Buddhist Meditation


Thomas Carlyle

Thomas CarlylePut Wisdom at the head of the world; the world will fight its battle victoriously and will be the best world that men can constitute.


Thomas Carlyle (Scottish satirical writer and essayist)



ItivuttakaAll the means used in this life to acquire spiritual merit are not worth a sixteenth part of love, that deliverance of the heart: love unites and contains them all, and it illumines and shines out and radiates.

Itivuttaka (Buddhist scripture)

Metta Sutta

Metta SuttaCherish in your hearts a love without any limit for the whole world and make your love to radiate over the world in all directions without any shadow of animosity or hate.

Metta Sutta (The name used for two Buddhist discourses)


DhammapadaA man is not a master because he despotically subjects beings living at his mercy. He can be called a master who has compassion for all that lives.

Dhammapada (A collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form)

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