How To Move Forward? Back to the Mountain Top

Anton Rozman – Slovenia

Mr. Anton Rozman joined the TS in 1992.  At present he is an unattached member of the Canadian Theosophical Association and lives in Koper, Slovenia.

It seems that the road, now in front of the Theosophical Society, presents itself, not as a wide and plain highway but rather as a narrow and steep pathway leading to the top of the mountain. It is not an unfamiliar pathway. We know it well. It was this pathway along which we left the mountain heights in our wish to bring Theosophy to the people. And we were successful. There is practically no place in this world which we left untouched. In one way or another, every human activity was touched by the doctrines we consider Theosophical and by the ideas incorporated within the lofty aims of our Society.

Read more: How To Move Forward? Back to the Mountain Top

How To Move Forward? Theosophy Forward Whilst Seeking Truth and Light

Marie Harkness – Northern Ireland

Marie is the Secretary of the Belfast Lodge in Northern Ireland, the Organising Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Ireland, she is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the EFTS, i.e. the European Federation of the Theosophical Society. She has been a member of the TS since 1983 and lives in Coleraine, at the Northmost tip of Northern Ireland.

Theosophy Forward implies movement. All life is movement, the elements, the earth, the planets, the seas. For growth there has to be forward movement, otherwise there is stagnation.

Read more: How To Move Forward? Theosophy Forward Whilst Seeking Truth and Light

How To Move Forward? Expanding the Idea of Magnetic¹ Centres

Dorothy Bell – Australia

Dorothy lives in Melton South, a suburb of Melbourne in the state of Victoria. She has been a member of the TS in Australia since 1999, and in 2007 she also joined the TS in America.

In her letter to the Americans in 1888, HPB advocated a brilliant model of disseminating and teaching Theosophy - based on truly educational and occult principles [Law of Attraction]. It provided for me the last jigsaw piece to see more clearly the way forward on another way of operating today to bring people into the teachings - and not just teaching about the teachings.

Read more: How To Move Forward? Expanding the Idea of Magnetic¹ Centres

How To Move Forward? Can The TS Contribute Anything In A Troubled World?

Halldór Haraldsson – Iceland

Halldór is the General Secretary of the TS in Iceland. He lives in a suburb of the capital Reykjavik called Kopavogur, which literally means Baby Seal Bay.

It is obvious to all that in the world today a very difficult situation has arisen that constitutes a strange challenge to every one of us. On the one hand we have greed (the financial crisis) and on the other fundamental fanaticism. Facing this situation one wonders if the Theosophical Society (TS) has anything to contribute.

Read more: How To Move Forward? Can The TS Contribute Anything In A Troubled World?

How To Move Forward? The Noble Dream

Ed Abdill—USA

Ed is a well known  international speaker for the Theosophical Society, and has been a member of the Society since 1959.  He lives with his wife Mary in New York City.

The noble dream referred to by one of the adepts is universal brotherhood. Yet Theosophical philosophy suggests that we are already rooted in the ONE. If that theory is correct, then in one sense universal brotherhood is a fact rather than a dream. Why then did the adept call it a dream? It would seem that the apparent contradiction lies in the conscious realization of our ultimate unity with one another.

The adepts and the co-founders of the Theosophical Society have made it clear that the central purpose of the Society is to establish a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity. Yet our Society has been embroiled in a great deal of divisive behavior since it was founded in 1875. Those involved in the various disputes say they believe in universal brotherhood, but their actions speak otherwise. Clearly, an intellectual acceptance of universal brotherhood is not sufficient to bring it about. Is there something that members of the Society might do to realize brotherhood themselves and to lead others to that realization?

Read more: How To Move Forward? The Noble Dream

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