A photo series by David M. Grossman

Some things you can do with music:

YOU CAN … compose it – play it – direct it – perform it – sing it – rehearse it – listen to it – watch it – look at it – study it – and most importantly …

 … it’s all interwoven with elegance:

“the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner; style, vibration or refined energy” 

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“A painting is music you can see and music is a painting you can hear” – Miles Davis

A note from Joma Sipe in Portugal - JULY, AUGUST 2021

Joma S

Joma Sipe, a driven artist and a very special Friend, on this photo being interviewed by a major Portuguese television station 

Dear all, 

After the work for the Frontispiece for The First Salon of Theosophy, I prepared the Frontispiece for The European School of Theosophy 2021, directed by Erica Georgiades, and the Frontispiece for The Lucifer Collection edited by Erica Georgiades and Juliet Bates.

Meeting Emilia

David meets Emilia

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As I emerged from my thoughts and looked ahead walking down the street, there appeared before me a small bent form shrouded in a long coat and hat. I thought this is the endgame, this is where we end up, our eventual demise, decrepit old age.

Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?

A look at life by Richard Dvořák   

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A seemingly dormant forest 

Each spring, there is a transformation one can tune into. From the dormant and energy conserving winter hibernation into an outburst of life force in spring. All we have to do is to spent some time in nature and observe. Stand still for a few moments. There is a joy that comes with those fresh colors and the first warm rays of the sun.

Poetry of Dreams and Growing up

A special contribution by David Grossman

ODE: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood

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William Wordsworth. 1770–1850

"Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood" (also known as "Ode", "Immortality Ode" or "Great Ode") is a poem by William Wordsworth, completed in 1804 and published in Poems, in Two Volumes (1807). The poem was completed in two parts, with the first four stanzas written among a series of poems composed in 1802 about childhood. The first part of the poem was completed on 27 March 1802 and a copy was provided to Wordsworth's friend and fellow poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who responded with his own poem, "Dejection: An Ode", in April. The fourth stanza of the ode ends with a question, and Wordsworth was finally able to answer it with seven additional stanzas completed in early 1804. It was first printed as "Ode" in 1807, and it was not until 1815 that it was edited and reworked to the version that is currently known, "Ode: Intimations of Immortality".

Dreamful Reality – a photo series by Richard Dvořák

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Richard, author, photographer and regular contributor to Theosophy Forward

Richard says:  

Like in spring, in the weeks before the first Corona wave surged in Germany, my dreams became very vivid, and in the weeks prior to the second Corona wave this winter, they became lucid even. 

In these dreams I was guided through series of scenes with large groups of people - always divided into smaller units and often in public places like airports, coliseums or traveling in groups of buses.

A note from Joma Sipe in Portugal - December 2020


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Watch the interview Erica Georgiades of the Eueopean School of Theosophy did with Joma Sipe, by clicking ion the image above

After my work on the Frontispiece for The First Salon of Theosophy, set up  by Erica Georgiades, with invited co-hosts Lyndon Smith and Taposhri Ganguly and that  took place on the September 7 , I prepared the Frontispiece for The European School of Theosophy 2021.