Theosophical Encyclopedia


TE 10 419 Sun

Since civilization began, human beings have considered the Sun as both as a source of life and an object of veneration. Sun worship can be found in the Purnas of India, and the mythology of the Greeks, the Norse, and other cultures. In India, the Sun is Surya, considered an embodiment of Brahmā, Vishnu and Shiva. Among the Greeks, it is represented by Apollo and Helios, while the Egyptians revered it as Ra (and later, Aton), also considered as the first Egyptian king. The Persian deity Mithras was a sun god. Even in Christianity, Christ or God has time and again been identified with the sun that Tertullian, St. Augustine and Pope Leo I had to vehemently refute this allegation.

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 TE 8 419 Moon

The Earth’s satellite. It is considered by the ancients as one of the sacred planets. Helena P. Blavatsky states that its inclusion in the list of sacred planets is because it is but a substitute of a planet. It is “a planet with a retrograde motion, sometimes visible at a certain hour of night and apparently near the moon. The occult influence of this planet is transmitted by the moon” (Transactions of Blavatsky Lodge, 47). 

Esoterically, the Moon is the mother of the earth, and thus far older. It was once a Globe where life evolved through seven ROUNDS until it finished its task. It belonged to the Moon CHAIN that preceded the Earth Chain.

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TE 6 419 Mars

The fourth planet of the Solar System. It has two satellites, Phobos and Deimos. It is one of the planets visible to the naked eye, and has a reddish color. Based on the expeditions since 1965, the photographs of Mars show no life, but astronomers think that it may have supported life billions of years ago.

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TE 4 419 Mercury

MERCURY. The nearest known planet to the Sun. It is considered by the ancients as one of the seven sacred planets. Helena P. Blavatsky states that, as a planet, Mercury belongs to a different CHAIN of globes from that of the earth and is much older than the earth. In the early years of the Theosophical Society (TS), the book Esoteric Buddhism stated that Mercury is one of the three physical globes of the earth chain, the other being Mars. This was subsequently disputed by Blavatsky (see also MARS). Mercury is, according to The Secret Doctrine, just coming out of OBSCURATION, that is, it is just emerging from an inactive period during which there were no life activities in the planet except for the remnants, called SHISTAS, that will be the seeds of future life activity in the planet. It is considered one of the seven sacred planets. Blavatsky wrote that: “Man derives his Spiritual Soul (Buddhi) from the essence of the Mânasaputras, the Sons of Wisdom, who are the Divine Beings (or Angels) ruling and presiding over the planet Mercury” (CW XII:545).

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TE 2 419 Neptune

The eighth planet of the Solar System, and the fourth largest. Although its mean distance is 4.5 billion kilometers away from the Sun, it is at times farther from the Sun than Plato due to the latter’s eccentric orbit. Neptune has rings like Saturn. Its largest moon, Triton, revolves around Neptune in the opposite direction of the planet’s rotation. Furthermore, its orbit tilts 157o to its equator, compared to less than 5o for other major satellites in the solar system. Helena P. Blavatsky wrote that Neptune does not really belong to our Solar System.

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Historical Photos from the Adyar Archives Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa

Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (16 December 1875 – 18 June 1953), was a Sri Lankan scholar, lecturer, and writer who served as the fourth President of the Theosophical Society based in Adyar, Chennai, India from 1945 to 1953. An accomplished linguist, he traveled extensively for fifty years as an international lecturer, speaking in English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, as well as Sinhalese and Tamil. He was known to his wide circle of friends as "Raja", "Brother Raja", or "CJ".

Read more: Historical Photos from the Adyar Archives Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa

Lords of The Dark Face

Evil sorcerers of the Atlantean period mentioned in the The Secret Doctrine and works of Charles W. Leadbeater who were destroyed by the Lords of the Dazzling Face (Adepts of White Magic) and the Lords of the Fires (Gnomes and fire elementals). They used air-vehicles called Viwans, said by Helena P. Blavatsky to be like air balloons.

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