Good News

Good News from the I.T.C. Naarden, The Netherlands


or Transcendental

A Silent Retreat based on
The Voice of the Silence
by Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu
19-22 July 2012
Language: English and French

International Theosophical Centre
Meentweg 9, 1411 GR Naarden
The Netherlands

Silence…only silence

The object of the retreat is to share time in the peaceful atmosphere of the Centre, which
fosters a quiet mind that is the beginning of right action. The continuity of these retreats during previous years helps to create and consolidate true understanding through the zetetic (deep inquiring) way of thinking which is a guarantee for long-lasting spiritual development of both the individual and the Centre.

This retreat is jointly organized by The Theosophical Society in Europe (EFTS), The International Theosophical Centre (ITC) and The Theosophical Society in The Netherlands (TVN).

Registration Procedure
• Registration can only be done for the entire
• Early registration is a guarantee for lodging
and meals.
• Cancellation before 8th July results in a
refund minus E 50.
• Reservations will only be made final after
payment of the fee.

Please send the registration form to:
International Theosophical Centre
Seminar registration ITC - Retreat 2012
Valkeveenselaan 19, 1411 GT Naarden
The Netherlands

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The registration form can also be downloaded from the website:

Good News from International Theosophy Conferences

International Theosophy Conference - August 9 - 12, 2012


This year’s International Theosophy Conference (ITC) will take place from August 9 through August 12 at the Society’s headquarters in Wheaton, Illinois. This is the first time that TSA has hosted this event which for fifteen years has been held on the West Coast, East Coast and in Europe.

Olcott, TSA Headquarters in Wheaton, Illinois

The theme of the conference is “Karmic Cycles: Wheels of Spiritual Growth.”

The conference features speakers and guests from several different Theosophical organizations. There are also unaffiliated speakers on such subjects as psychology, astrophysics or any of the great religions or spiritual paths from around the world.

The objects of ITC include and support the original Three Objects particularly as expressed in the writings of H.P. Blavatsky and to foster intercommunication between all Theosophical traditions.

Among the keynote speakers are: Michael Gomes, Jerry Hejka-Ekins, and Sally and James Colbert.

The cost of registration and meals together should be about $200. For more information please see the special page on the ITC website. Click here:

The ITC website:

You may also email this year's organizer, Garrett Riegg, at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In August all roads lead to Olcott in Wheaton!

Check out what took place during last year’s meeting in Julian, California, click here:

Good News from the TOS

International TOS Conference 2013


The Theosophical Society in America National Headquarters,
Wheaton, Illinois (Chicago) U.S.A.

Wednesday July 24 to Friday July 26, 2013

We are happy to announce that the TS and TOS in America have kindly agreed to host a three-day international TOS Workers’ Conference at Olcott, its national centre in Wheaton, Illinois.

TOS office-bearers and those with responsibilities in the TOS at international, national or local level are warmly invited to attend.

Read more: Good News from the TOS

Good News from Spain

The “Jornadas Ibéricas de Teosofía” took place in The Escorial-Madrid between April 5-8. “Principles and Axioms of the Esoteric Doctrine” was the general topic, presented by several students of the “Institute of Studies HPB,” and which included different and interesting aspects. The “Jornadas” began in 1978, and were held in Portugal and Spain in order to foster brotherhood between the members of both countries. For the last couple of years, due to the current situation of the nearby country, the brothers from Portugal have not been able to come.  However, there is no doubt the contact established for so many years has given way to this feeling of brotherhood, for, in spite of their physical absence, we felt them with us as an affectionate and heartfelt memory.


It is well known that each Theosophical meeting and study ought to leave among the students, that is in all of us, some element that encourages self-transformation. In a world full of suffering, there is a need for keen and dedicated Theosophical workers to keep the timeless and genuine spirit of Theosophy as a present and living concept and who are able, through the modern means of communication, to convey that spirit. This same spirit was present with us during the meeting, connecting forty-nine participants, and instilling a flavor for "more" in all of us.

Good News from Slovenia

Symposium on the life and work of Baroness Adelma von Vay

KUD Logos publishing (International journal for postsecular theoria, poesis and praxis) has recently released the Slovenian translation of the book Spirit, Power, And Matter, originally published in 1870 and written with the help of automatic writing by the then 29-year old Baroness von Adelma von Vay (1840-1925), from Slovenske Konjice (Gonobitz).

Adelma von Vay in her studio

Although at the time Baroness Adelma von Vay enjoyed world fame, till recently her life and work were practically unknown in Slovenia. That is why the Institute for the Study of Christian tradition and the Municipality of Slovenske Konjice decided to organize, along with the publication of the translation of her fundamental work, a two-day international symposium dedicated to the life and work of this extraordinary woman.

Read more: Good News from Slovenia

Good News from The European School of Theosophy

The European School of Theosophy 15 – 20 October 2012

At the International Theosophical Centre in Naarden, the Netherlands

'A Mind to Embrace the Universe'

This poetical phrase from The Secret Doctrine arouses the spiritual intuition that the human mind has the potential to silently worship, understand and embody the Universe. Unlike a purely analytical and intellectualistic approach to life, an embracing mind experiences the world as a kosmos, a great, wonderful order. A central Theosophical teaching is that our mind is essentially a deathless emanation of the kosmic mind. There is therefore a sacred relationship between divine ideation, nature’s intelligent design and man’s capacity to comprehend and honor both.

Read more: Good News from The European School of Theosophy

Good News from the I.T.C. in Naarden, The Netherlands


The Creation of the
Cosmos as Described in
the Stanzas of Dzyan

A Seminar with Martin Leiderman

12-17 June 2012

The Stanzas of Dzyan are considered to be part of the earliest writings on the Ancient wisdom.They are the foundation of H.P. Blavatsky’s major work, The Secret Doctrine.

The seminar provides a unique opportunity for deeper understanding of the Stanzas of Dzyan. The Stanzas will be explored in a modern, illustrative and interactive way. They will be compared with modern science, philosophical traditions and religious stories on the creation of the cosmos and man.

Read more: Good News from the I.T.C. in Naarden, The Netherlands

Good News from Point Loma – San Diego, USA

Dear Friends of Theosophy,

Herewith we invite you to a four days’ gathering, organized nearby the former Theosophical Headquarters at Point Loma in San Diego, California, August 2 – 5, 2012.

The POINT LOMA CONVIVIUM* is a gathering sharing the core principles and ideas that formed the unique Theosophical community at Point Loma from 1898-1942. Presentations include expositions of the important, innovative role Theosophic ideas played and still play in Religion, Philosophy, Science and Art.

Early photo of the International Theosophical Headquarters, Point Loma, California

These days are meant to give – in active ‘all-visitors’ conversation – form and soul to the theme of this Convivium. Everywhere in the world there are Theosophists active, who are in someway connected with the Theosophical activities in Point Loma. Some of those Theosophists know each other for many years, but recently the contacts between a number of ‘Point Loma’ Theosophists in America and Europe have increased and intensified. This contact and interactivity has increased during several theosophical activities in the last five years, for instance the ITC Conferences, visits to each others study groups etc, and the ongoing project digitalization of the remainders of the Point Loma Archive that is focused on the history of the Point Loma theosophical period from 1898 – 1942.

Read more: Good News from Point Loma – San Diego, USA

Good News from Spain

A report of a Meditative Silent Retreat based on Light On The Path, with Trân Thi Kim-Diêu *

Casal de Pau, 3 to 6 December 2011

Participants gather for a photo

Around sixty people gathered in Casal de Pau, Arbucies for this fourth retreat in Spain where silence in action and silence in speech were practiced. Of course there were practical exercises for stretching, breathing and for walking meditations. More importantly, Kim-Diêu once again shared her reflections, this time on the theme of Light on the Path. Her very practical suggestions for leading an ethical and spiritual life were exchanged in group discussions. She spoke in English and her words were translated into Spanish by Anna Maria Torra and Nilda Venegas.

Read more: Good News from Spain

Good News from the TOS

In the TOS International Newsletter of February 2012 you can find a collection of Theosophically orientated funeral, cremation and memorial services as well as poems and quotations. The editors mention that in the nearby future more relevant information will follow. There is definitely need for this and although it might sound paradoxical, this is certainly good news…..

For more information click here

Good News from the TSA

The good news from the American Section is that its membership increased in 2011, its website is a delight to visit and the webcast schedule presented there offers wonderful programs for anyone who is interested. Click here

More: From July 20 till July 24, 2012 the Theosophical Society in America organizes its 126th Summer National Convention. National President Tim Boyd and his team have put an interesting program together with an impressive speakers list.

The theme: Science, History, & Healing - The Many Faces of the Ageless Wisdom

Dr. Rollin McCraty, Dr. Amit Goswami, Maria Parisen, Robyn Finseth, Michael Gomes and Joy Mills will speak on various subjects covering this year’s theme.

Join many others for an exceptional Summer Convention at TSA headquarters in Wheaton, Illinois.

Good News from the Net

Recently a promising new site was launched. Theosophy Forward and its team wish all those who contribute to it a lot of success. One of the initiators, Ingmar de Boer from Holland, wrote the following:

A weblog on The Book of Dzyan

The Quest for an Original Text of the Book of Dzyan

Theosophers will all be acquainted with the the series of stanzas from the Book of Dzyan which were published in 1888 as part of H.P. Blavatsky's work The Secret Doctrine. Despite the many clues Blavatsky has left us, a source text of these stanzas was never found. Only a few researchers have embarked on a quest for the original text. One of these is David Reigle, who in 1999, together with his wife Nancy, both experts in Sanskrit and Tibetan language, published the now well-known work Blavatsky's Secret Books. Some of his essential articles are to be found on the website of the Eastern Tradition Research Institute.

A blog discussion with David Reigle on the origin of the mysterious stanzas began as part of the community, and is now being continued on a newly opened website at

This weblog is established to accommodate joint research. Anyone who is interested in doing online research together, which is done on a purely scientific basis, is kindly invited to register as a participant or, without registering, to contribute by leaving a comment.

Good News from International Theosophy Conferences

International Theosophy Conference - August 9 - 12, 2012


This year’s International Theosophy Conference (ITC) will take place from August 9 through August 12 at the Society’s headquarters in Wheaton, Illinois. This is the first time that TSA has hosted this event which for fifteen years has been held on the West Coast, East Coast and in Europe.

Read more: Good News from International Theosophy Conferences

Good News from Spain

The Spanish Summer School this year was held from August 21 until August 27, in a hotel of the Catalan Costa Brava very close to the sea-side. Approximately eighty people participated.

The main theme of the School was "Self-Transformation Seminar" and the speaker was Vicente Hao Chin Jr. from The Philippines. Clarisa Elósegui, the General Secretary of the Spanish Section shared wonderful photos with us:

Participants of the Spanish Summer School

Vic Hao Chin Jr., Clarisa Elósegui (second from the right) and members of the Spanish Section

Good News from the IATF

Ligia Montiel Longhi

During a meeting of the Inter-American Theosophical Federation (IATF) held in Costa Rica – San José, from September 22 – 25, 2011, a new President of that body was elected. After many years during which the IATF had either a Brazilian or an Argentinean President, now, for the first time ever, the IATF is headed by a talented woman from Costa Rica, a wonderful country located in Central America.

Read more: Good News from the IATF

Good News from the Golden Link College

A letter from Vic Hao Chin Jr. – The Philippines
Theosophical education from kindergarten to university at the Golden Link College

Based on the belief that individuals must discover the core values of their lives for themselves free from fear, coercion and prejudice, the Golden Link College is committed to education as a preparation for life and not just as a means to earn a better living. Through innovative teaching methods that respect and nurture the individuality and creativity of its students, it integrates the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of their growth in a well-rounded programme. Teaching students to embrace their common humanity and to recognise their place in the web of life, the college strives to honour many faiths. It holds the conviction that individuals who are at peace with themselves will ultimately create a world at peace.

Read more: Good News from the Golden Link College

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