Good News

Good News from Ireland

The Eighth All Ireland Convention was held on Saturday 25th May 2013, in a conference Room at Bewley’s Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin.

As this was the occasion of Wesak, we felt there was a very special blessing over the whole proceedings. It was a great joy to once again welcome into our midst as Guest Speaker, dear Ali Ritsema from The Netherlands.

Participants and in the middle Ali Ritsema (white blouse)

Apart from a number of longer term members, also present were many new members and some local sympathisers. Before long, Ali had them spellbound, all as one listening and interacting on her chosen theme ‘Karma’, a Power-Point Presentation. Many thought she was magnificent and greatly appreciated and enjoyed the frequent interaction. Her long experience became obvious as she drew out the best in our members, even the more reticent ones. This auspicious occasion proved informative, interesting and truly inspirational. It turned out that some of the newer members had studied TS texts before joining, so all reacted very favourably to this format and were totally understanding of and in tune with the apt quotations from such texts as The Secret Doctrine, The Key to Theosophy, The Mahatma Letters, the Theosophical Glossary and the Collected Works by H. P. B.

The Convention started with the Business Meeting following the lighting of Adyar incense and a candle, and a few moment’s potent silence.

The election of Officers took place and the All Ireland Officers for the next term are: Organising Secretary, Marie Harkness who hails from the North of Ireland, Assistant Organising Secretary, Selina Scott who lives in Co. Tipperary  in the South and Treasurer, Brian Houston who lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland. There followed refreshments and before the much awaited talk by Ali, the Organising Secretary read out the many messages of support received from the International President and countries across the globe. We deliberately picked this time for this exercise so that the non-members who joined us after the Business Meeting received a flavour of the international extent of the Society and the sense of oneness and much appreciated support received from other countries attuned to us at this time.

Following Ali’s PowerPoint Presentation she was presented with an Irish memento and received a number of requests for her to return again soon.

Indeed it was a truly inspirational and blessed occasion.

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