Good News

Good News from Slovenia 2

International Symposium

On 3 and 4 December 2012 a two-day international symposium on the life and work of Baroness Adelma von Vay took place in Slovenia. It was held at two locations, the first day at the National University Library in Ljubljana and the second at the Žiče monastery near Slovenske Konjice. Contributors from Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Greece, The United States, Russia, Serbia and Slovenia sent or presented thirty-three papers exploring Adelma von Vay’s life and spiritistic, philanthropic and healing work.

Joma Sipe’s Graphics Exhibition (Photo by Matej Boldin)

Some additional events were organized along with the symposium, the first being the exhibition of Joma Sipe’s (the artist who contributed his art-works for the TF e-book Twelve Upanishads) graphics interpreting the symbolism in Adelma von Vay’s main literary work Spirit, Power and Matter.

Charity round table, moderated by Mr. Rudolf Passian

The second additional event was a charity round table for the promotion of humanitarian organizations from Slovenske Konjice, moderated by the symposium’s guest of honor,Mr. Rudolf Passian, one of the leading parapsychologists in German speaking countries, a philanthropist and a researcher of alternative methods of healing and diagnostics.


The concert – Živa Ciglenečki playing Monti’s Chardash (Photo by Matej Nareks)

The symposium finished with an extraordinary concert at St. John’s church in Slovenske Konjice, where besides local choral groups a few of the best young Slovenian classical musicians and singers performed works of Bach, Mozart, Franck, Massenet, Monti and Puccini. It was a magical conclusion of this two-day event which saw numerous volunteers of all generations participating in the organization.  

We will keep you informed about the publications, dedicated to this special event in Slovenia.

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