Good News

Good News from Slovenia 1

We were very happy to have our friend and EFTS Chairman, Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu once again in Slovenia in the week from 17-24 October. First she gave a public talk in Ljubljana on the theme “The Future of Humanity.”

Former Regional Secretaries of the TS in Slovenia, Mrs. Cveta Starič (on the right) and Mrs. Irena Polanc Kristan (on the left) in company of the EFTS Chairman Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu

After her talk in Ljubljana she conducted a weekend seminar near Koper on the Slovenian coast. The theme of the seminar was “Foundations of Wisdom” especially dealing with the questions: The Basis of Consciousness; Can Attention Be Practiced? and What Is Meditation? The talks and the seminar were well attended and the participants showed great interest asking many thoughtful questions, vividly participating in the discussions. Some members of the International Centre of Theosophical Studies and Research – Adyar in Cervignano, Italy also joined the seminar in Slovenia.


Seminar participants

As in the two years previously, Studio 12 a well-known local TV station invited her to give an interview on the “Foundations of Wisdom.”

Watch the video interview with Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu Click here

During her yearly visit to Slovenia Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu was also invited by the Theosophical group in Udine to give a talk there entitled “Changing the Fundamental Paradigm.” Udine is located in Italy not far from the Slovenian border.

Group photo at the premises of Udine Lodge

During one week all these activities brought many earnest seekers together indeed. All of them committed to trying to understand the present human situation on a deeper level and consequently act according to their finding and conclusions. 

[Report by Irena Polanc Kristan]

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