Good News

Good News from Spain

Last August, from the 26th to the 31st, the Theosophical Summer School of the Spanish Section took place with an attendance of about 110 participants.

Smiling faces and hard to get all on one photo

According to those present it was a school with an impressive theme, conducted by Mrs. Trân-Thi-Kim-Dieu, who spoke about “Foundations of Wisdom”. The group work in the afternoons, following the talks given by the guest speaker in the mornings, was also much appreciated.

This year for the first time during the Summer School we hosted in our country the General Council of the European Federation of the Theosophical Society whose President is Mrs. Trân-Thi-Kim-Dieu. Therefore the General Secretaries of Finland, Marja Artamaa, of Germany, Manula Kaulich, of Holland, Els Rijneker, of Italy, Antonio Girardi and the secretary of the Italian Section, Patricia Calvi and her husband were present. Also the Secretary of the Federation, Mrs. Irena P. Kristan from Slovenia and Krista Umbjarv from Estonia joined us and there was as a representative from our country, Mr José Tarragó.

All the European participants were greatly pleased with the quality of the School and amazed with the work that is being done in Spain. They returned to their respective countries with an uplifted spirit, looking forward to meet all of us again.

After all was over we at once started working for future events this Section prepares and to which you are always invited!

Warm greetings from Spain, Clarisa Elósegui Navarro

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