Good News

Good News from the Net

On July 7th, 2012, a new Theosophical discussion site officially opened its doors: Theosophy Nexus. Very much a collective effort, it was conceived and built by three Theosophists keenly interested in finding a way to translate the Theosophical group study experience to the medium of the internet in the best possible way. Careful consideration has been given to the mitigation of some of the potential drawbacks of internet group discussion while infusing the same with the best and highest aspects of face-to-face discussions that already occur all over the world. It is our mission to foster a productive, positive and harmonious atmosphere in which participants can share what they have learned in their studies with other fellow students.

In order to achieve this, Theosophy Nexus follows a set of four Guiding Principles:

•    Brotherhood: The act of coming together in the spirit of brotherhood and mutual assistance is as valuable as, and inseparable from, the activities of study themselves.
•    Impersonality: We seek to minimize the effects of our personalities, our individual desires and vices on the work at hand. Cooperative learning is a primary goal. We are all students, none of us are teachers.
•    Truth: The practice of brotherhood and impersonality underlie our search for Truth in the abstract, and the search for Truth enlivens and enriches  the practice of Brotherhood.
•    Focus: Our attempt at sustained focus is aligned with our belief in and approach to the ageless wisdom, and thus composes the foundation of our shared studies. We strive to remain focused on the underlying principles of this ageless wisdom, the existence of which is assumed as a given from the outset.

Theosophy Nexus is unaffiliated with any existing Theosophical organization. Those involved, however, represent several branches of the modern Theosophical Movement. This we hold in our minds as symbolic of our shared value of global Theosophical unity and solidarity. Organizational matters of a political and potentially divisive nature are left at the door of this virtual study center.

Presently, we are focusing our efforts in two core study groups, each existing in its own section of the site. The first is the Secret Doctrine Study Group, in which students gather to discuss and study HPB's magnum opus. The second is the Theosophical Tenets Group, which will explore some of the various core principles that compose the body of wisdom known as Theosophy. A third study group focusing on the exploration of Sacred Texts will be opening soon.

Theosophy Nexus is one half of a whole that branches two intertwined websites. Currently under development, the other is a sister magazine style site that will emphasize articles, resources and inspiration, while Theosophy Nexus emphasizes interaction and exchange. We look forward to a bright future for Theosophy as together we work to put modern tools to the best possible use for the continued evolution of the work at hand.

You can visit Theosophy Nexus, click here



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