Good News

Good News from Spain

The “Jornadas Ibéricas de Teosofía” took place in The Escorial-Madrid between April 5-8. “Principles and Axioms of the Esoteric Doctrine” was the general topic, presented by several students of the “Institute of Studies HPB,” and which included different and interesting aspects. The “Jornadas” began in 1978, and were held in Portugal and Spain in order to foster brotherhood between the members of both countries. For the last couple of years, due to the current situation of the nearby country, the brothers from Portugal have not been able to come.  However, there is no doubt the contact established for so many years has given way to this feeling of brotherhood, for, in spite of their physical absence, we felt them with us as an affectionate and heartfelt memory.


It is well known that each Theosophical meeting and study ought to leave among the students, that is in all of us, some element that encourages self-transformation. In a world full of suffering, there is a need for keen and dedicated Theosophical workers to keep the timeless and genuine spirit of Theosophy as a present and living concept and who are able, through the modern means of communication, to convey that spirit. This same spirit was present with us during the meeting, connecting forty-nine participants, and instilling a flavor for "more" in all of us.

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