Good News

Good News from the IATF

Ligia Montiel Longhi

During a meeting of the Inter-American Theosophical Federation (IATF) held in Costa Rica – San José, from September 22 – 25, 2011, a new President of that body was elected. After many years during which the IATF had either a Brazilian or an Argentinean President, now, for the first time ever, the IATF is headed by a talented woman from Costa Rica, a wonderful country located in Central America.


Participants of the IATF meeting in San José

Her name is Ligia Montiel Longhi and she is a resident of San José. Ligia speaks Spanish, French and English, studied at the Pasteur Institute in Paris-France, and she currently teaches biology and human genetics at the University of Costa Rica.

Ligia has been active in her lodge – “Dharma”. She was President and Vice President of it, but also held the functions of secretary and librarian. Furthermore she has a lectured extensively and has written a number of introductory courses on Theosophy.

The newly elected President heads an enthusiastic team of workers and appointed Lissette Arroyo Jiménez from Mexico to be her Vice-President.

Greetings from the President of the Inter-American Theosophical Federation

Dear Theosophists and Brothers,

Having been chosen as President of the Inter-American Theosophical Federation, I want to thank you for your vote, because most of you trusted me even without knowing me. Be sure I am willing to work and to spread the Theosophical message not only to America but also to every person ready to open his or her mind, heart and spirit to these teachings.

I also thank those who did not take a vote for me, because I will strive harder, and I commit myself to show them I am ready to do my best to spread Theosophy, and to increase the Theosophical family, mainly in America.

In order to accomplish our goals, we must firstly, leave behind the differences which came up during the election, and make up a strong nucleus of brotherhood to serve mankind and our younger brothers. If brotherhood is present in our minds and will, we´ll be able to serve everywhere and with our example, that is far better than the best words, Theosophy will be known and a difference will be made.

Through this message, I am also asking all of you for your help and cooperation. This is a hard and generous task. So, I look forward to hearing from all of you, sharing with me what it is that you can do for it. It will not be impossible, even for a small group, if we work hand in hand and if all of you can do at least a little. I am counting on each of you.

Let´s remember that Service is a safe way for an individual as well as for a group change.
Warm regards,
Ligia Beatriz Montiel Longhi
President of the Inter-American Theosophical Federation
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel (506) 2296-3572
Fax (506) 2296-5758
Skype  beatrizlonghi93

Saludo de la Presidenta de la Federación Teosófica Interamericana

Queridos Hermanos Teósofos:

Al ser elegida como Presidenta de la Federación Teosófica Interamericana quiero en primer lugar agradecer a todos aquellos que al votar por mi, pusieron la confianza en alguien prácticamente desconocido pero, con muchas ganas de trabajar y llevar el mensaje teosófico, de la forma más adecuada no solo a América sino a todo lugar donde las personas abran su mente, corazón y espíritu a estas enseñanzas.

También quiero agradecer a aquellos que no votaron por mi pues, me imponen la tarea de demostrarles que haré todo lo que esté a mi alcance para difundir la teosofía y acrecentar la familia que constituye la Sociedad Teosófica principalmente en América.

Para lograr los objetivos propuestos debemos en primer lugar, dejar atrás las diferencias surgidas durante la elección y conformar entre todos los participantes de la América Teosófica, un verdadero núcleo de fraternidad al servicio de la humanidad y nuestros hermanos menores que nos acompañan en este peregrinaje terrestre. Así con la fraternidad en nuestras mentes y voluntades podremos servir adecuadamente en cada campo donde nos desenvolvamos y con el ejemplo, que vale más que los mejores y más fervientes discursos lograremos expandir la teosofía y lograr un cambio.

Les solicito por este medio a todos aquellos que quieran cooperar con nosotros en esta dura, altruista pero satisfactoria tarea, comunicarse conmigo e indicarme las líneas de acción en las que podemos contar con cada uno de ustedes. Es imposible para un pequeño grupo de teósofos que por elección y causalidad hemos sido nombrados en una directiva, llevar a cabo satisfactoriamente esta gran labor, por eso, seguros de contar con el apoyo de cada uno en su respectivo país y (o) fuera de él, los invitamos a trabajar fraternalmente. Recordemos queridos hermanos y hermanas, que el servicio es el camino más seguro no solo para el cambio individual sino también para el colectivo.

Un saludo muy fraternal,
Ligia Beatriz Montiel Longhi
Presidenta de la Federación Teosófica Interamericana
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel (506) 2296-3572
Fax (506) 2296-5758
Skype  beatrizlonghi93

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