Good News

Good News from Ukraine

We received a report from Svitlana Gavrylenko in Ukraine. 

This year of 2011 marks the one-hundred-eightieth anniversary from the birth and the one-hundred-twentieth from the date of transition to a different plane of our outstanding compatriot Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. The International Forum, dedicated to Blavatsky's heritage and its value in the modern world, took place in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, on June 23-6.

The Forum was attended by representatives from twelve Ukrainian cities and five cities in Russia. There were also representatives from Spain, Italy, Belarus, and Romania.

Special guests of the Forum were the General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Italy, Mr. Antonio Girardi, who was accompanied by Patrizia and Sergio Calvi; and a former President of the Theosophical Society in Spain, Mrs. Mercedes Villa Robuste, was also present. She came with her daughter Diana and granddaughter Sarah, so there were three generations of Theosophists.

Although this event took place last June, we are pleased to publish some photos to give readers of Theosophy Forward an impression.

Group photo


Attentive audience

On the last day of the Forum some participants visited the "Stone Tomb"



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