Good News

Good News from Slovenia

Annual visit of the Chairman of the European Federation of Theosophical Societies (EFTS) to Slovenia.

From October 25 till November 1, 2011, the visit of the EFTS Chairman, Ms. Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu, took place. As was the case last year, it was jointly organized by the EFTS and the independent Institute Rman in Koper with the help of a number of Slovenian Theosophical workers.

Lecture at the Creative Center Abram

During the event two public lectures were organized. One at the Biotechnical Educational Center in Ljubljana, where the guest lectured on the theme: “What we are doing with our life”, and the other one at the Creative Center Abram in Pedrovo, where she addressed the problem of suffering under the title: “Suffering – causes and solutions”.

The weekend was dedicated to the seminar at the Youth Resort Debeli rtič, where twenty-five attendees had the opportunity to probe on the theme “Meeting with Life – Exploring Life’s Deeper Aspects”.


Interval during the seminar at Debeli rtič

During her visit Ms. Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu gave an inspiring interview to the daily newspaper “Primorske novice”, and she did a television interview with “Studio 12”. To watch this, click the link below.

Theosophical Perspectives on social change

The visit underscored a positive atmosphere towards the dissemination of Theosophical tenets, which are so much needed due to the current situation in Slovenia, and in the world at large.

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