Good News

Good News from Slovenia

Mary Anderson has been visiting Slovenia for twenty-five years

This year, 2011, marks the twenty-fifth year since our dear guest, Mrs. Mary Anderson, visited Slovenia for the first time.

During these years it was hard to imagine any Slovenia Summer School of the Theosophical Society without her guidance and the regular public lectures, in which she addressed wider audiences.

Whenever she came, she inspired and motivated members of the Theosophical Society in Slovenia with her straightforward and warm conduct, based on a deep understanding and an always fresh presentation of complex Theosophical subjects.

Over the years, her contribution to the promotion of Theosophy in Slovenia has been so positive that it was possible to properly compile a book, in which the editors inserted thirty-three lectures on a hundred and seventy-five large-format printed pages.

In the last three years, after Mrs. Mary Anderson had vacated her position of International Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Chennai, India, her visits to Slovenia were in a private character. As a result, she shared her experience and wisdom with a smaller circle of her intimate Theosophical friends.


Dušica Grgič, Mary Anderson and Irena Polanc Kristan

In spite of this personal approach, this year two public lectures were organized in our capital city, Ljubljana. The first one was held on the pleasant premises of the Hortus Vitae Centre and attracted about forty attendees. The theme was “Human Dignity—Lost and Regained,” a topic that is relevant with respect to the social situation in our country.

Mary Anderson and translator, Irena Polanc Kristan

Audience at Hortus Vitae Centre

The other lecture, well attended too, took place at a shop-gallery owned by a member of the Theosophical Society in Slovenia, Mrs. Meri Sarajlija. Our respected guest lectured on the theme “Theosophy for Meaningful Living.”

These two successful events rounded up the twenty-fifth anniversary of Mary Anderson’s visits to Slovenia. Considering her vitality, we expect that we can look forward to her visits also in years to come.

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