Notable Books

Notable Books 62

Begin Where You Are: Messages of Meaning by Betty Bland*. Available at Amazon. For more details click HERE

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How does one wake up to a spiritual quest?  Sometimes it comes from a sudden realization and sometimes more gradually from a growing understanding of life’s experiences. Betty Bland’s particular “wake-up call” came suddenly as a result of a Near-Death Experience (NDE) in 1968, well before that became a main-stream term. The NDE catapulted her on a search to understand her experience and to put that knowledge into practice. (Because the NDE so deeply influenced Betty’s perspective, a description is included as an appendix in the book.)

As a part of her searching, Betty encountered the Theosophical Society in America (TSA) which provided a wealth of helpful information. Its comprehensive worldview provided a roadmap for the continuing exploration that became her life’s path and ever-unfolding growth, ultimately leading her to many areas of service within the TSA, including the role of National President. 

During her term as president, she shared her growing understandings as Viewpoint articles in the regularly published Quest magazine. Over time these articles resonated with many readers, and after urgings from a number of people, she decided to make them more readily available. This collection of reflections offers threads of thought to inspire a deeper awareness of the meaning and purpose of our time on this earth and our calling to act responsibly for the well-being of all our fellow beings.

May the reader find something that helps connect to the beauty and interwovenness of our amazing creation—that it might in some way make life more meaningful.


*Read about BETTY BLAND and her theosophical activities, click HERE

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In 2010 Betty Bland (far left) and Tim Boyd had a private audience with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, during His  visit to Chicago. Betty is seen here with His Holiness, her husband David and Tim’s wife Lily.

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