
William Quan Judge and The New York Times


Theosophy 213 WQJ NT b

[Note from the editor: Portion of a letter to the editors of The New York Times, written by William Quan Judge - Published in Lucifer, Vol. X - March 1892 - pg. 82-83. (Also included in Echoes of the Orient - William Quan Judge - Pag, 24-25 - Point Loma Publications, Inc. - San Diego, California, U.S.A. 1980]


Madame Blavatsky has no “successor”, could have none, never contemplated, selected, or notified one. Her work and her status were unique. Whether or not her genuineness as a spiritual teacher be admitted matters not: she believed it to be so, and all who enjoyed her confidence will unite with me in the assertion that she never hinted at “succession”, allegiance” or “guarantee”. ... no “guaranteeing of allegiance of spiritual forces” is practicable by anyone. Knowledge of and control over the higher potencies in Nature comes only by individual attainment through long discipline and conquest. It can no more be transferred than can a knowledge of Greek, of chemistry, psychology or of medicine. If a person moves on a lofty level, it is because he worked his way there. This is as true in spiritual things as in mental”.

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