The Society

Mini-interviews Janne Vuononvirta

The Society MI 6 Finland 20190630 205157

1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Janne Vuononvirta. I was born in 1986 in Northern Finland, where I spent my childhood. During the past 10 years I have moved quite a lot and lived in different parts of Finland: Lapland, Southwest… and now for 6 months in Helsinki metropolitan area. I joined TS in 2007.

2. Are you active in your Lodge/Section and if so, what do you do?

I have been the general secretary of TS in Finland since April 2018.

3. How did you first learn about Theosophy or come in contact with the Society?

As a child I was a very keen reader. At the age of 11 or 12 I found the books of Esko Jalkanen from the library and was thrilled by them. Jalkanen (1921 – 2007) was a Finnish mystic and healer who was greatly influenced by Theosophical authors such as Blavatsky and Leadbeater.

4. What does Theosophy mean to you?

It is the highest wisdom within us that we can reach. It is the highest love that connects every being. It is the innocent beauty that is shining everywhere in this world.

5. What is your favorite Theosophical book and why?

The Key to Theosophy by H.P. Blavatsky. I love HPB’s brave and intelligent words that in this book form a consistent and clear presentation of the fundamental teachings, yet so profound that you can find more and more every time you read the book.

6. What in your opinion is the biggest challenge the TS is facing at the moment?

I have been pondering about the challenges quite a lot lately – and thinking about it has become tiring. I worry too much about it. It affects our mood and starts to narrow our focus. At certain point, we need shift our attention from the difficulties to the possibilities.

7. Is there anything you would wish for the future of the Theosophical Movement?

We are here to heal the world – but before we can do that, we need to heal ourselves. I wish that people who come to TS would take good care of themselves – physically, mentally and spiritually.

From the editor:

Opinions and ideas expressed in the mini-interviews are exclusively of those who are being interviewed. They don’t necessarily represent the ideas and opinions of the compilers of Theosophy Forward. The responses of the interviewees are not edited for content. Some contributors give short answers to the questions while others touch upon the subject more elaborately.

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