Good News

Good News from Ukraine

Message received from Jacques Mahnich – France

Good News from Ukraine 2
Jacques Mahnich

At the invitation of Svitlana Gravylenko, President of the Ukraine Regional Association of Theosophists, my wife and I discovered a truly beautiful country where Theosophy is burgeoning again and well-alive. We met with the local Lodge members in Kiev and we participated in the White Lotus Day ceremony (5-6 May) in a public place where lectures on Theosophy-Science were given.


Good News from Ukraine 3
Dnipro, the house where H.P.B, lived

After that we traveled to Dnipro, the H.P.B’s birthplace, where we visited the Literary Museum and the House of HPB's family, where she lived as a young girl. There I lectured on Science & Theosophy. We also had the opportunity to meet and have discussions with a local University professors and students, thanks to Juliana Shabanova, who is the Head of the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogic of the Polytechnic University, and also President of the Dnipro Lodge - the first Lodge since the rebirth of Theosophy in Ukraine in 1991.

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Participants in Dnipro

Our days in Ukraine have been a very inspiring experience, visiting places filled with historical monuments and magnificent churches, and encounters with dedicated Theosophical workers who are very open to today’s world with public lectures and teachings, radiating a luminous vibration from their hearts, while demonstrating a great sense of hospitality.

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