Good News

Good News from the School of the Wisdom in Adyar


Good News from the School of the Wisdom 2 SOW 2017-18 1


Sessions 2017-2018

School of the Wisdom sessions are specifically meant for members of the Theosophical Society.


20 November to 1 December 2017
The Spiritual Path of the Theosophical Movement
Director: Mr Jon Knebel, USA

We will look at the Objects and Aims of the Society, the Path as outlined in the Maha-Chohan’s Letter, and again in The Key to Theosophy. We will look at the topic as presented by the Mahatmas in their Letters, as well as by HPB in her correspondence. We will discuss the topic as presented by Annie Besant, C. Jinarajadasa and N. Sri Ram.

5 to 15 December 2017
Concept and Reality 
Director: Venerable Olande Ananda Thera, Sri Lanka

This course will not be too theoretical. It will be more practical and give time for reflection by oneself. Daily there will be plenty of time for Dharma discussion as well.

8 to 19 January 2018
Self-Transformation and the Spiritual Life
Director: Mr Vicente Hao Chin Jr., The Philippines

The course covers an approach to self-transformation that serves as a foundation for an integrated and effective life, as well as an essential preparation for living the spiritual life. It includes exercises in self-awareness and a detailed study of meditation. There are also other necessary facets in the course to improve our lives.

22 January to 2 February 2018
The Meditative Brain, a Challenge to the Digital Revolution 
Director: Dr José Foglia MD

"The Meditating Brain, a Challenge of the Digital Revolution" is a seminar about our nervous system, how our brain processes information and creates our reality. We attempt to bridge science and philosophy, and some of the subjects studied by Theosophy in interactive discussions.


The School of the Wisdom aims at bringing each student to survey life ‘from the centre’, which is intuitive awareness. An intense sense of Life must always accompany every true student. There can be no Wisdom without an ever-increasing sense of Wonder.

Essential in the progress towards Wisdom is a growing intimacy with all aspects of Nature. The message which each tree, flower, animal, meadow, sea, sky, and cloud has, must be listened to and understood.


Monday to Friday
Meditation: 8.00 to 8.30 a.m.
Classes: 8.30 to 11 a.m. and 3.30 to 5 p.m.
Some afternoons will be reserved for presentations by the students, who may spend free afternoons doing research on their own or at the Adyar Library and Research Centre.  Applications for Library reading/ borrowing cards are available.

All sessions are held in Blavatsky Bungalow, Adyar Campus, Chennai.

Applying to the School

Application forms can be obtained from the office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Students may register for all or some of the School of the Wisdom sessions in one form, and are expected to attend all the classes in the session chosen.

The Theosophical Society
Secretary's Office
The School of the Wisdom
Adyar, Chennai 600 020, India
Tel: (+91 44 ) 2491 2474 and 2491 7198


If you need accommodation, please specifically say so in your application, or send the accommodation needs to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. There are two styles

A. LEADBEATER CHAMBERS (LBC), Western style accommodation, basic amenities

Member prices:
Single Rs. 400/- per day per person, including breakfast
Sharing Rs. 300/- per day per person, including breakfast

Non-member prices:
Single Rs. 800/- per day per person, including breakfast
Sharing Rs. 600/- per day per person, including breakfast

All meals (breakfast+lunch+dinner) will cost approximately Rs.160-240/- per day

B.BHOJANASALA, Indian style accommodation, is for Indian participants. Prices of Bhojanasala are given on request.

Other information

Scholarships, full or partial, may be provided for some deserving TS workers. Applications should be made well in advance, providing full details and suitable recommendation.

Those members who wish to stay for the International Convention are requested to register separately,

see instructions.

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