Good News

Good News from Spain

Clarisa Elósegui Navarro – General Secretary of the Spanish Section

From 5 to 9 December 2009, we organized a Meditation Retreat, conducted by Miss Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, who is the President of the European Federation of National Societies.  It took place at an inspiring retreat venue, in the midst of nature, at the foot of Montseny Mountain, approximately 60 km from Barcelona. This special gathering was attended by sixty-one people.

The retreat’s subject was the “Diagram of Meditation”, by HPB, and the “Sutra of the Heart”.

There were periods of profound, silent meditation and other moments where we walked inside and outside, in the garden. We went deeply into the meaning of each part of both the “Diagram of HPB” and the “Sutra of the Heart”, and into its meaning for each one of us and our lives.

The first retreat was held last May, this was the second one. The result was so positive and beneficial  that, at the request of the participants, we are already planning a third one at the end of this year. Now we can carry on with the work of learning and practising meditation. 

Amongst the attendants were the newly appointed General Secretary of the Dutch Section, Mrs. Els Rijneker and a member of her Executive Committee, Mrs. Loes Moreno. It was truly wonderful to have them as guests with us!

We thank Miss Kim-Dieu for her invaluable work in sharing her profound knowledge.

On January 17, 2010, yet another meeting, this time with members and sympathizers from the province of Lleida (Cataluña), took place. This get-together which is being held for nine consecutive years now, takes place on each third Sunday of the month. It is a large group who attend regularly and who call these meetings “The Theosophical Marathon of the third Sunday”. A strict schedule is implemented from 11am to 2pm and from 5pm to 8pm, with only a few intervals. The meetings are energetic and informal. The objective is to deepen our understanding of the “Challenges of daily life in the Light of Theosophy”, so that each person can search into the root of misery and suffering that each individual or family experiences, and receive from Theosophy the tools to achieve their own transformation.

Trying to bring some light onto these subjects through Theosophy can change people’s lives, from suffering, to a state of peace and harmony. This is the task we took upon us, this is what we really want to do, and will keep on doing, as long as it takes...

Sharing Theosophy, so that suffering in the world diminishes, is a duty which honours us.

We send all the readers of Theosophy Forward a fraternal embrace and much affection from Spain.


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