Good News

Good News from Reincarnation Research

New site with significant information and overviews; a great initiative set into motion by some well-known Theosophists: Pablo Sender, Jacques Mahnich, Vicente Hao Chin Jr. and others. This one you really need to check out. Here is the link:

Reincarnation is one of the most important issues faced by philosophy, religion and science that have very significant implications to the understanding of human life.

Reincarnation used to be a subject confined to religion. Since the 20th century, however, the inquiry has moved into the field of science as a result of ground-breaking researches about people, particularly children, whose memories of previous lives have been validated by independent investigations. Many of these cases involved birthmarks or physical characteristics at birth that matched the manner of death of the claimed previous life. Some of them also could speak an unlearned language but which corresponded to the language learned in the claimed previous life.

The concept of reincarnation, however, goes against the mainstream doctrines of a number of major religions. This has created conflicts and has led to raging debates on the pros and cons of reincarnation.

This site contains current knowledge regarding reincarnation. It has linkages to sites on various facets of the topic, books written about it, and the controversies revolving around it. It also includes objections raised against reincarnation.

Readers are welcome to comment, make suggestions, contribute information or ask questions on any of the subjects in this site. Contributors are asked to try to be as objective as possible in any discussion, whether for or against, and avoid foul or propagandist language. The purpose of this site is to help arrive at valid knowledge on reincarnation, and not to defend any particular view of reincarnation.

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