
Impressions ITC 2015 Olga Omlin

Olga Omlin – USA

ITC twice

Theosophy ITC 8 a Olga Omlin
Krotona resident Olga Omlin reads greetings from Joy Mills

After my first trip to The Hague back in December 2014 visiting the Blavatskyhouse (TS-Point Loma) I was excited to plan another trip there. However, this time the main reason was to attend the International Theosophy Conference in The Hague. It was also an honor to give a talk among so many friends-Theosophists from different Theosophical groups from all over the world.

The Hague itself is a special city with the Peace Palace in its heart, rich culture and symbolic architecture, green parks and alleys, all of which become a source of inspiration for the seekers of Truth.

In my view, ITC has a noble mission to promote cooperation and understanding among all Theosophical organizations: TS-Adyar; TS-Point Loma; ULT; TS-Pasadena and other participants interested in Theosophy. It was great to share ideas with each other during the conference and coffee/tea breaks. It was amazing to observe the boundaries between the personal selves disappearing and how we all were trying to communicate from the heart realizing that Theosophy is a living Divine Wisdom the true source of which lies within us all.

The workshops were quite intense and even overwhelming sometimes. And just like a good humor is part of one’s spiritual being we had an opportunity to experience it in the “world café!” Someone asked me what my expectations for the Conference were, and my reply was, “none”, because I came with an open mind and heart which I think is a good approach.

It was very interesting to learn more about other Theosophical organizations, their views and hopes, and to represent the TS-Adyar. I believe an aspiration for friendly cooperation in the spirit of tolerance and mutual respect is essential to the work together and the Cause of Theosophy. However, our differences enrich, being part of our unique individuality within us and as members of the various theosophical branches and groups. I think that the meaning of the Brotherhood is to learn to rise ourselves above the antagonisms of our lower nature into the realm of mutual tolerance, open-mindness, sincerity and creativity in order to cooperate together for the benefit of Humanity. ITC was a wonderful opportunity to work in harmony learning and inspiring each other.

After The Hague I met my twin sister Svetlana in Amsterdam and together we took a train to Naarden. We had a most welcome visit with the residents of The International Theosophical Center that is also called The Huizen Centre. For both of us it was a second time fourteen years later to enjoy the quietness and serenity of this amazing place and spiritual community.

Theosophy ITC 8 b Olga Omlin
On the left Centre residents Manja van der Toorn and Ingmar de Boer, on the right Olga and her twin sister Svetlana

The beauty of its forest paths and tranquil atmosphere envelopes one’s whole being quieting the mind and restoring the inner balance. We were in a way lucky to come during a break between the various Theosophical activities of the Centre. Two days flew by fast even though time spent there seemed to be longer. We felt at home sharing the meals with the residents in the dining room of St. Michael’s House, discussing different Theosophical concepts and updating each other on the recent news from Krotona and The ITC, Naarden.

Indeed, Love is the essence of One Life and it is the best guide on the Spiritual Path.

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