Good News

Good News from the Netherlands – two

HPB’s Esoteric Instructions

Good News from the Netherlands - two 2

an overview with

Michael Gomes

Good News from the Netherlands - two 3

Michael Gomes

19-23 June 2015

Organized by

The International Theosophical Centre - Naarden

The Theosophical Society in the Netherlands

The European Federation of the Theosophical Society

International Theosophical Centre

Meentweg 9 - 1411 GR Naarden – the Netherlands

The ES instructions of HPB

At the end of her life H.P. Blavatsky wrote a series of Instructions for the students of her newly formed Esoteric School. Michael Gomes, editor of a new edition of these Instructions, will provide a guided tour through this material, illuminating its ancient antecedents and historical influence.

These Instructions mark Mme. Blavatsky’s last effort as part of the centennial cycle to form a nucleus that could work through the Theosophical Society for the benefit of humanity.

What relevance do these teachings have for us today?

Michael Gomes

He is the Director of the Emily Sellon Memorial Library in New York City. He is the author of a number of books, articles, and monographs on Theosophy in the Nineteenth Century. He has also produced abridgements of HPB’s two seminal works Isis Unveiled (Quest, 1997) and The Secret Doctrine (Penguin, 2009). Michael Gomes is the recipient of the Herman Ausubel Memorial Prize for achievement in history from Columbia University in New York, and was selected to deliver the Blavatsky Lecture in 2000 and 2007 in England.

Michael Gomes has given Theosophical programs throughout the English speaking world.

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