Good News

Good News from the EFTS



You are invited to the

European Congress 2014

Bridging Science and Spirituality

30 July to 3 August

Paris, France


(Opening: 30 July morning – Closing: 3 August before lunch)

Working languages of the Congress are English and French


Organized by

The European Federation of the Theosophical Society and the Theosophical Society in France

Short History of the Congresses in Europe

The first Congress in Europe took place in 1903 in London, England, with the guest speaker Colonel Henry S. Olcott. In the beginning of the 20 th century, Congresses were organized almost annually; this established a firm foundation for Theosophists to come together regularly, so that even during the war years Congresses still took place.

In the second half of the 20 th century, Congresses were organized after every three or four years. In the 21 st century, there have been four Congresses until now: in 2003 in Naarden, The Netherlands (Centenary of the EFTS); in 2004 in Porto, Portugal; in 2007 in Helsinki, Finland; and in 2010 in Rome, Italy (World Congress).

Since the beginning of the 20 th century, there have been six Congresses in France. The latest Congress in Paris, which was World Congress, took place in 1971. The latest Congress in France took place in 1984 in Poitiers, which means that exactly after 30 years, in 2014 to be precise, which is also 111 th anniversary of the European Federation of the Theosophical Society, the 37 th European Congress will be organized again in France, this time in in its capital, Paris.

The aim of the 37th European Congress is to bring members and sympathizers together from Europe and the world, and furthermore to investigate the connection between science and spirituality today.

Special guests are:

Tim Boyd, International President of the TS-Adyar

Andrej Detala, scientist and writer

Ulrich Mornoff, teacher and researcher

Muriel Pécastaing-Boissièr, senior lecturer at Sorbonne University

Luc Lambs, senior scientist and researcher at Toulouse University

Other distinguished speakers are:

Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, Chairperson of the European Federation of the TS and General Secretary of the TS France

Halldór Haraldsson, General Secretary of the TS Iceland

Antonio Girardi, General Secretary of the TS Italy

Graciela Ricci, psycholinguist and semiologist, TS member, Italy

Jacques Mahnich, aeronautical engineer, TS member, France


The European Congress will take place in the Adyar Theatre next to the premises of the TS in France (4 Square Rapp, 75007), in the center of Paris, 650 meters from the Eiffel Tower.

The Adyar Theatre


The programme of the Congress includes lectures and symposium talks. Also a classical music concert and light programmes by the sections are scheduled. On two days the programme ends early in the afternoon.

Detailed programme of the Congress will be published in due time.

The programme of the Congress will be partly broadcasted online. (Livestream)

Registrations can be done until July 15, 2014.

Registration fees will be: for members 20 Euros, and for non-members 30 Euros. Check the website of the EFTS and other channels.


All who register from May 15 onwards can’t order meals. The fees for the registration/drinks should reach the EFTS account not later than July 20.

During breaks drinks (coffee-tea) will be served in the premises of the TS France for the price of 20 Euros for the whole Congress . In addition to this, a bottle of mineral water (0.5 l) will be offered daily.


Participants should take care of their accommodation by their own means. Although there are many hotels and hostels near the Adyar Theatre, it is advisable to book the hotel/hostel as soon as possible . The period in which the European Congress takes place is “high tourist season” and the headquarters is situated in the center of Paris.

For finding a hotel/hostel near the Adyar Theatre, the Eiffel Tower can be used as a landmark, because the distance between these two places is 650 meters.

To make choosing and booking easier, a few options are suggested:


Among other possible online booking systems, offers a wide number of accommodation possibilities with various price levels.

Hostel/ Bed and Breakfast

For budget-friendly accommodation possibilities near the Adyar Theatre, see:

Detailed information is published on the website of the European Federation of the Theosophical Society:

If any urgent information is needed, do not hesitate to contact us via email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Come and join us in wonderful Paris!!!

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