Good News

Good News from International Theosophy Conference Inc.

The meeting many have been waiting for!

From August 15–18, 2014, all roads lead to the International Theosophical Centre in Naarden, The Netherlands, a wonderfully located spiritual retreat center fostering brotherhood and peace.

On this peaceful estate, International Theosophy Conferences Inc. will host a historic meeting and invites participation by Theosophists from all over the world, belonging to all organizations, but also independent Theosophists and sympathizers who are actively involved in studying or promoting Theosophy.

The theme will be “Theosophy, Unity and Helping the World … Where do we go from here?

We are glad to announce that the program is reaching completion. This will be a typical working conference: short introductions followed by workshops. In order to realize the objectives for this working conference, all those who take part, whether they are scheduled as speakers, facilitators, assistants, or participants, are equally important. All have a voice.

The conference will follow an interactive and holistic approach, emphasizing dialogues, workshops, and sharing. The theme will focus on our goals and roles as students of Theosophy in the various organizations.

Results of the workshops will be presented in plenary feedback sessions, as input for the end product of the gathering: “The ITC 2014, Naarden Declaration.” Furthermore, the core of the ITC program in Naarden will consist of three parts: Religion, Philosophy, and Science. English will be the language spoken. 

The conference opens on the afternoon of Friday, August 15, with a keynote talk, setting the tone with the Mâha Chohan’s letter as the guideline for this discourse.

The Naarden conference will further explore the path that all Theosophical organizations can follow to serve mankind in togetherness, respectfully and constructively, spiritually and cooperatively united, while each organization remains loyal to what it holds and advocates.
Objectives for this conference:

1. To ensure we keep Theosophy alive for future generations, i.e., not back to Blavatsky, but forward with Blavatsky.

2. To bring together representatives of Theosophical organizations and students of Theosophy who are committed to spread Theosophy as presented by H.P.B and the Masters.

3. To intensify ties by fostering meaningful intercommunication among all Theosophical organizations as well as independent Theosophists.

4. To exchange ideas and best practices on how to present Theosophy in an accessible and inspiring way.

It is highly recommended that you register and book your accommodation early to avoid disappointment. It was possible to make an attractive arrangement with a first class hotel at less than a 10-minutes drive from the location. A free shuttle service to and from the grounds will be provided.

Go to our website and fill out the registration form: 

This is a grand and unique opportunity to meet Theosophists from different backgrounds, in order to come to know them, to socialize and mingle, exchange ideas, to initiate new initiatives and last but not least also to have some fun. H.P.B.’s invaluable work is ultimately what brings all Theosophists together. 

International Theosophy Conferences Inc. emphasizes that all Theosophical organizations are branches of one Theosophical tree, offering a key to a Theosophical future whereby the various representatives show respect and compassion for each other, thus forming a nucleus of Universal Brotherhood.

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