Good News

Good News from Portugal 2

Carlos Guerra, the General Secretary of the TS (Adyar) in Portugal sent the following message:

Dear friends all around the world,

Hope that all is well with all of you.

I want to use this opportunity to thank you for your friendship always clearly expressed on so many occasions and in so many different ways. Wish to thank our friend Kim-Diêu in particular.

Am very happy with the new EFTS website:

Have visited this site several times and along with some other Theosophical websites it will be an inspiration for our own TS website in Portugal. It provides an excellent source of information, is easily accessible and graphically very clear. I want to congratulate the team of workers which were directly or indirectly involved in its development. It certainly will have a positive impact on the dissemination of Theosophy in the world, especially in Europe.

I am happy to announce that the Portuguese Section of the TS Adyar now has a new and “grand” stimulus to get on with its essential work: a brand-new Headquarters building in Lisbon. All of us in Portugal hope that our new location will motivate all to work for the well-fare of humanity because that is what Theosophy is all about.

Here some photos:

Entrance of the new headquarters bounding in Lisbon


What a wonderful library


A silent place to “meet”

For those who would like to get in touch with us, here is our address:

Sociedade Teosófica de Portugal

Rua José Estêvão, nº 10 B

1150-202 Lisboa


You may also mail me direct: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

With the most fraternal thoughts to all of you,


Carlos Guerra

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