Our Unity - The Aura of All-Being

Nicholas Weeks – USA

The Aura of All-Being

To make unity among members of Theosophical groups a focus of our unifying efforts would be a mistake. It would be a form of group self-centeredness. Theosophists (like all of humanity) are already a unity within.

To form and maintain a nucleus of Universal Brotherhood outwardly, our intent needs to be far more inclusive than our family of Theosophists. Strive to speak, act and think unity for all beings, human and non-human, here and throughout all realms of space. This expansive attitude excludes no creature from the aura of All-Being.


In short, pay little or no attention to Theosophists as Theosophists, but just as sparks of the Divine in human form, like the rest of mankind.

As W. Q. Judge advises, keep the focus of our work on all of humanity and unity will slowly manifest, even among Theosophists.

The Theosophical philosophy shows that there is a unity among beings not only in their better natures but also on the physical plane, [then] our first object becomes most practical. For if all men are brothers in fact, that is, joined one to another by a tie which no one can break, then the formation of the nucleus for the future brotherhood is something that has to do with all the affairs of man...

This first object means philanthropy. Each Theosophist should therefore not only continue his private or public acts of charity, but also strive to so understand Theosophical philosophy as to be able to expound it in a practical and easily understood manner, so that he may be a wider philanthropist by ministering to the needs of the inner man. This inner man is a thinking being who feeds upon a right or wrong philosophy. If he is given that one which is wrong, then, becoming warped and diseased, he leads his instrument, the outer man, into bewilderment and sorrow...

It is pre-eminently our duty to be thus practical in exposition as often as possible. Intellectual study only of our Theosophy will not speedily better the world. It must, of course, have effect through immortal ideas once more set in motion, but while we are waiting for those ideas to bear fruit among men a revolution may break out and sweep us away. We should do as Buddha taught his disciples: preach, practice, promulgate, and illustrate our doctrines. He spoke to the meanest of men with effect, although having a deeper doctrine for greater and more learned minds. Let us, then, acquire the art of practical exposition of ethics based on our theories and enforced by the fact of Universal Brotherhood.” [“What Our Society Needs Most,” Echoes of the Orient 1:279-81]

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