Theosophy and the Society in the Public Eye

Photos by Richard Dvořák

[Editor’s note: Richard, currently living in  Germany and who is a member of the TS-Adyar there, is a wel-known figure in Adyar circles. On many an occasion, especially during recent International Conventions in India, as well as the the last held World Congress in Singapore he took the “official” photos. The collection of imasges he makes available for the series on Theosophy Forwardare beautiful, intriguing, and dazzling at the same time. Richard, through the lens of his camera sees things of which we might at first not be aware, and he kindly shares his findings with us.]

Richard says: 

In 2018 I was invited by Italian artist Aischa Muller to join in an exploration of Etruscan Necropolis belonging to a settlement called Poggio Buco near Pitiglianoin the Maremma, Tuscany. She is researching matriarchal - egalitarian prehistoric societies.

Public Eye RD 1 b A.G. Muller

Aischa Muller 

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Beautiful Pitigliano inTuscany

The bell-shaped tombs with burial beds, vestibules and hallways were carved deep into tufa rock in the 7th century B.C. It is supposed that Poggio Buco’s area was the site of the rich Etruscan town of Statonia.
Unfortunately, due to general neglect of this site, most of the graves are flooded and can no longer be visited, except for the Tomb of the Queen.

A special place nevertheless with unfamiliar quality-energy and mysterious atmosphere.

Here the photos:

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