Notable Books 53

Intoduction to the OccultRichard Smoley, Paperback January 2022, Amazon. For more info click HERE

Notable Books 53 b Introduction

Perhaps I’m a touch over-optimistic but it seems to me that more and more people are reaching that pivotal point in their lives where they start asking those big questions. Who am I? Why am I here? What’s the purpose of life? Where did I come from? What’s my destiny? What happens when I die?

Is there really more to life than mortgages, shopping, sport and sex? And collecting 1960s vinyl records?

Notable Books 52

The Key of Jacob Boehme, Translated by William Law, with an introduction by Adam McLean - Magnum Opus Hermetic  Sourceworks #9 - Phanes Press  1991. With an Illustration of the Deep Principles of Jacob Behmen, by D.A. Freher. For more info about this rare book click HERE.

Notable Book 52 b

HPB stated that Jacob Boehme was a nursling of the Nirmanakaya’s. To the extent Boehme’s works reflect the accurate expression of such elevated inspiration, they should be deep spiritual treasures of study, meditative contemplation, and application for all sincere students. This is so regardless of one’s love for western or eastern spiritual traditions or works. In general, the works of Jacob Boehme reflect ideations concerning an inner awakening to the deep ground of the Eternal,  Divine and Spiritual aspects of creative manifestation and the world. These ideas are then reflected, correlated, and applied to the gross material shadows of our sensory world with its forms, desires, and pursuits. Although the world of sense has value in some ways, it is also shown as false, in light of the Eternal and Divine Science of truth that elevates humanity.

Notable Books 51 – part 2

Transformations of Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development. Ken Wilber, Jack Engler & Daniel P. Brown; With chapters by John Chirban, Mark Epstein and Jonathan Lieff.   

For more information on how and where to obtain a copy of this book (published in 1986) click the following link HERE     

[The Stages of Mindfulness Meditation & Developmental Stages in Eastern Orthodox Christianity.]

 Notable Books

So many books are notable ... (New York 1932)

This review continues a look at the work, Transformations of Consciousness,  Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development, by Ken Wilber, Jack Engler, and Daniel P. Brown. It deals primarily with part II, or chapters 6 - 9, of that work. It focuses on the stages of Mindfulness Meditation, as well as the developmental stages in Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

Notable Books 51 – part 1

Transformations of Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development. Ken Wilber, Jack Engler & Daniel P. Brown; With chapters by John Chirban, Mark Epstein and Jonathan Lieff.

For more information on how and where to obtain a copy of this book (published in 1986) click the following link HERE

Notable Books 51 b

This is a relatively comprehensive and well written introduction to theories of growth and development as dependent upon emergent structures and stages unique to certain phases of life development. The text includes and explores conventional stages of development well known in current psychological and psychiatric literature, but also what might be referenced as degrees or stages of spiritual awakening and experiential expression as recognized in several Contemplative traditions.

Notable Books 50


Pistis Sophia, A Gnostic Gospel - “A Gnostic Miscellany being for the most part extracts from the books of the Savior to which are added excerpts from a cognate literature”, George R.S. Meade - Spiritual Science Library

Notable Books 50 2 PS

The “Pistis Sophia”, a work translated into English by G.R.S. Mead, (commented upon by HPB as noted in the new publications of “Lucifer”) is verily a multidimensional treasure that can provide an approach to wisdom for the serious student. It consists of 6 books, two of which pertain to the repentance of Sophia, and the other four to doctrines of the wisdom Religion. For H.P.B. The Pistis Sophia, and the Gnostic Tradition might well be called the western version of the “Gupta Vidya”.

The writings in the Pistis clearly point to, if not reveal in degrees, the occult and possibly esoteric mysteries which await a true disciple of the Path. In the terminology of the Pistis, this can be considered one who has transformed themselves into the Path. Being one with and as the path, they awaken in degrees to the increasing radiances, illuminations, and lights, with their treasures. Not settling for phenomenon, they persistently, with unrelenting exercise and dispassion, make their way to the “Mystery of the Ineffable”.

Notable Books 49

A Casebook of Encounters with the Theosophical Mahatmas, Daniel Caldwell,  2020, pp.250, All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License, Available from Lulu, CLICK HERE

Notable Books 49 b caldwell encounters web 

DANIEL H. CALDWELL has authored/compiled numerous well-written books, covering the life and works of Helena P. Blavatsky. His most recent title A Casebook of Encounters with the Theosophical Mahatmas is an outstanding addition to the list of earlier publications. Your editor has read the book and highly recommends it.