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Theosophy; NEW-Knowledge of the Self, Robert Crosbie; NEW-Message in a Bottle: Be Open — II, Tim Boyd; NEW-To Saw a Seed, Vinoba Bhave; NEW-Theosophy and Ecology: Saving the Environment, Muneeb Ahmad; NEW-Correlations; NEW-Message in a Bottle: Trust — I, Tim Boyd NEW-Pekka Ervast's talk to Esotericists (April 24, 1930); NEW-Helena Blavatsky’s The Voice of the Silence: Commentary and Annotations, Kenneth Small; NEW-The Dynamics of Wholeness, Ali Ritsema; NEW-O Hidden Light, Tim Boyd; NEW-Rough Weather Ahead! …Boris de Zirkoff; NEW-Scientific Research on Near-Death Experiences, Antti Savinainen; NEW-Practical Theosophy and the Joy of Service, Marie Harkness; NEW-The Translation of the Collected Writings of H. P. Blavatsky, Marly Winckler; NEW-The 3P’s of Spiritual (or Any) Progress, Douglas Keene; NEW-Music and Healing, Andrew Rooke; NEW-Ten People, Tim Boyd; NEW-The Moral Dimension of Life, Svitlana Gavrylenko; NEW-Pekka Ervast’s Spiritual Teachings, Antti Savinainen; NEW-The Masters Revealed?, Dara Eklund; NEW-A Few Theosophical Threads From HPB, David M. Grossman; NEW-On using words with Care; NEW-The Three Pillars of Practice, Tim Boyd; NEW-For the Love of Humanity, Cary Gardner; NEW-Our responsibilities to the Animals, Andrew Rooke; NEW-Animals, our Younger Brothers, Andrew Rooke; Scientific Research on Children’s Reincarnation Memories, Antti Savinainen;The Dark Side of Light, John Algeo;The Three Pillars of Practice, Tim Boyd; Service as a Universal Path, Douglas Keene; NEW-Why?, Barbara Hebert; Gandhiji’s fasting – (In the Light of Theosophy);Rudolf Steiner's Teachings in Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, Antti Savinainen; Understanding Universal Intelligence, Deepa Padhi – India;Universal Intelligence and the Human Condition, Tim Boyd;Theosophical Meditation: A question from Dewald Bester for the Theosophical Society, Dewald Bester;The Nature of Theosophical Meditation, Pablo Sender;The Power of One: Collective Consciousness and Individuality, Esther Pockrandt; Each Member A Centre, William Quan Judge;The Science of Spiritual Practices, Antti Savinainen; Boris de Zirkoff, Our Universal Objectives; Do Animals Dream? (In the Light of Theosophy); The Land and Us, Tim Boyd;The Big Bang or The Big Bounce?, Jacques Mahnich;Jellyfish (In the Light of Theosophy); The Cycle of Strength, Justice, and Unity, Douglas Keene; Krishna – Christos, David M. Grossman; Strength in Unity, Barbara Hebert; The Experience of Grace, Tim Boyd;The Language of the Future, Catalina Isaza-Cantor; The Power of One: Collective Consciousness and Individuality, Esther Pockrandt; NOVEMBER 17 – What is our next step going to be?, Jan Nicolaas Kind; Meat Eating Saints? (In the Light of Theosophy);The Intuition Knows, Marja Artamaa; On the Threshold of Tomorrow, Boris de Zirkoff; Service to Humanity, Barbara Hebert; Madame Blavatsky’s Two Doctrines of Reincarnation, Antti Savinainen; Envy (In the Light of Theosophy; The Mystery of Pain, A. Trevor Barker; Theosophy Is, John Algeo; Wanted: A Higher Sense Of Ethics, Boris de Zirkoff; What Theosophy Is and Where It Is Going, James Colbert; Are We Pacifists?, Tim Boyd; Religion and Music – part three, Annie Besant; Gossip (In the Light of Theosophy)
Theosophy and the Society in the Public Eye: NEW-Sun-filled Summer Morning in Central Europe, Richard Dvořák; A note from Joma Sipe in Portugal (May 2024); Strolling along with Richard, Text and photos by Richard Dvořák; Celebrating Visual Splendor and Spiritual Exploration, Text and photos by Richard Dvořák;A note from Joma Sipe in Portugal (February 2024); A note from Joma Sipe in Portugal (October 2023); A visit to the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York, David M. Grossman; A Magical Encounter: ITC Naarden, Tara, Buddhas, and the Radiance of the Strawberry Moon, Richard Dvořák;
Quotations: About TIME, by Catherine Pulsifer, Cheryl Richardson, Kahlil Gibran, Carl Sandburg,Tara Ross
Miscellany and Trivia: Inspirational Stories: Stop chasing happiness; Stop stressing so much; What are friends for ...?; You are not going to get anything handed to you; Focus on the good things in life
The Society: NEW-The Three Objects of the Theosophical Society scrutinized, Jan Nicolaas Kind; NEW-Great News from Helma Kuit and Michiel Haas; NEW- Inner Experiences During the War and Flowers of Peace, various authors; Beyond Suffering, Svitlana Gavrylenko; NEW-SOME THOUGHTS 1and SOME THOUGHTS 2 – Ukraine and the fine work that’s being done there; The Future Is Getting Closer All The Time, Tim Wyatt; The 2023 Series, Mini interviews with Venkata Deepika Kotteda, Vibhuti Goel, Wei Ling,Bethan Vaughan, Kritika Goel, Sharayu Sunil Wagdeo, Upasika Maithreya, Jérémie Heussi, Artti Savinainen, Sagi Sree Hari Varma, Qian Su; Gaspar Torres, Erica Georgiades, Elmer Overdevest, Merike Martsepp, Pauline (from the Netherlands) Svyatoslav Igorevich Lipsky; Hannes Pettersson, Paul Barker. Mini interviews the 2022 Series with Monica Pege, Ria Schopman, Marianne Plokker, Juliana Cesano, Mattia Lugarà, Kenneth Small, Nicoletta Boriello,Sara Ortega van Vloten, John Powers, Miriam Martínez Suárez, Esther Pockrandt, Seth Edwards, Elena Bessie Camplone, Swathi Reddy, Juliet bates and Arturo Alonso Carmona Peláez
Good News:Good News from Kenneth Small, Italy and Spain; Good News from YOUNG THEOSOPHISTS; 107th Italian Theosophical Society National Congress; Edward Abdill, MEMORIES OF DORA; Theosophy in the workplace, the TOS speaks with Esteban Langlois MD; Good News from Adyar Theosophical Academy (ATA);Good News from Adyar-A DREAM COME TRUE
Lengua Espaňola: ¿El regreso de Dios? Jan Nicolaas Kind; Correlaciones; Las doce llaves, Jouko Ikonen; Los animales, nuestros hermanos menores - Nuestras responsabilidades con los animales, Andrew Rooke; Fuerza en la Unidad, Barbara Hebert; El ciclo de fuerza, justicia y unidad, Doulas Keene; Qué es la teosofía y hacia dónde se dirige, James Colbert; La sutil y sublime anarquía de la Fraternidad Universal, Jonathan Colbert; Qué es la POLINIZACIÓN CRUZADA ORGÁNICA? – Una breve contemplación, Jan Nicolaas Kind
Lingua Italiana: Gli animali, i nostri fratelli minori-Le nostre responsabilità verso gli animali, Andrew Rooke; La forza nell’unità, Barbara Hebert; Il ciclo di forza, giustizia e unità, Douglas Keen; Che cos’è la Teosofia e dove sta andando, James Colbert; La sottile e sublime anarchia della Fratellanza Universale, Jonathan Colbert; Cos’è l’IMPOLLINAZIONE INCROCIATA NATURALE? Breve riflessione, Jan Nicolaas Kind; Il Grande Risveglio contro il Grande Re-set – antidoti a totalitarismo, tirannide e paura, Paul Barker;Il cosmo interiore, Ananya Sri Ram; Come continuare?
Língua Portuguesa:Animais, nossos irmãos mais novos - Nossas responsabilidades para com os animais. Andrew Rooke; A Força na Unidade, Barbara Hebert; O Ciclo de Força, Justiça e Unidade, Douglas Keene; O que é a Teosofia e para onde ela está indo, James Colbert; A SUTIL E SUBLIME ANARQUIA DA FRATERNIDADE UNIVERSAL;Jonathan Colbert; O que é POLINIZAÇÃO CRUZADA ORGÂNICA? – Uma breve contemplação, Jan Nicolaas Kind; O Grande Despertar Versus a Grande Redefinição – Antídotos para o Totalitarismo, a Tirania e o Medo, Paul Barker; O Cosmo Dentro, Ananya Sri Ram; Como seguir em frente?
Langue Française: Les animaux, nos jeunes frères et Nos responsabilités envers les animaux, Andrew Rooke: La Force dans l’Unité, Barbara Hebert; Le Cycle de la Force, la Justice et l’Unité, Douglas Keene; Ce qu’est la Théosophie et où se dirige-t-elle, James Colbert;Le Grand Éveil contre la Grande Réinitialisation -- Antidotes au Totalitarisme, à la Tyrannie et à la Peur, Paul Barker; Le cosmos intérieur, Ananya Sri Ram; Comment aller lávant? Retour au Sommet de la Montagne,
Theosophical Encyclopedia: In collaboration with the editors-in-chief of the Theosophical Encyclopedia and Theosophical History, Mr. Vicente Hao Chin Jr., and Professor James Santucci, and the Officer in Charge of the Adyar Archives, Jaishree Kannan,Theosophy Forward publishes the following entries: NEW-Krishnamurti and the World Teacher Project: Some Theosophical Perceptions, by Govert Schüller, FOREWORD by James Santucci; NEW-Theosophy Cultural Perspectives, Robert Ray and Kenneth Small; NEW-Perennial Wisdom Resources Library and Archive project, Kenneth Small; NEW-Japanese Buddhism; NEW-The Aquarian Foundation; More glimpses of the history of Young Theosophists, Arni Narendran;Glimpses of the history of young Theosophists; HIRAF’s “ROSICRUCIANISM”; Historical Photos from the Surendra Narayan Archives (Adyar Archives) – THE YOUNG KRISHNAMURTI, Excerpt from “Personal Recollections of Sir Richard Francis Burton;-H.N. Stokes' early contact with the Theosophical Society;Theosophy and the Theosophical Societies - part 1, 2, 3 ,4 and 5 (2020 version); Shinto; H.N. Stokes and the O.E. Library, James Santucci; Aura; Immortality; The Objects of The Theosophical Society; Historical photos from the Surendra Narajan Archives.
Notable Books: “READING IS A CONVERSATION. ALL BOOKS TALK. BUT A GOOD BOOK LISTENS AS WELL, Mark Haddon; go to Notable Books 65, compiled by Betty Bland; Notable Booka 65, compiled by Gene Jennings
Medley: NEW-Joy (In the Light of Theosophy; NEW-Peace Practice, Seeing the ‘Enemy’ in our Mirror, Kenneth Small; NEW-POWER OF PLANTS: Biomass-based polymer that can absorb and release carbon dioxide; NEW-The Twelve Keys, Jouko Ikonen; NEW-Esoteric Egypt, Kathleen Hall; NEW-Study reveals how humanity could unite to address global challenges; NEW-Self-Compassion on the Spiritual Path, Barbara Hebert; NEW-The Importance of Vegetarianism for the Practice of Yoga, Marly Winckler; Martian meteorites deliver a trove of information on Red Planet's structure; NEW-Can animals count?; NEW-TO DEBATE OR NOT TO DEBATE, Jan Nicolaas Kind; NEW-Newly found genetic variant defends against Alzheimer's disease; NEW-Obituary to Pisces, Tim Wyatt; NEW-Meditation training can support wellbeing in older adults;NEW-Suicide by Modernism,Tim Wyatt; NEW-Combine mindfulness with exercise for mental health boost in 2024; Dancing to a Different Rhythm: A Southern Hemisphere Perspective of the Sacred Seasons, Esther Pockrandt; Being a vegetarian may be partly in your genes; The Ritual, Ananya Sri Ram; Where do we feel love? Why Meditation? Cecil Messer; Meditation: making a start, Esther Pockrandt; In-person mindfulness courses help improve mental health for at least six months; Everyone's brain has a pain fingerprint -- new research has revealed for the first time; Half of world's largest lakes losing water;The Mona Lisa in Paris; Positive experiences in close relationships are associated with better physical health, new research suggests; The House of the Heart, Dara Eklund
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