Joy Mills – USA
A Living Philosophy For Humanity
Volume XXV
No. 4 (118) - Spring 1969

[Original Cover photo: William Quan Judge, April 13, 1851 - March 21, 1896]
This lesser known article by Joy Mills appeared in Theosophia in the spring of 1969. Boris de Zirkoff was the initiator and editor-in-chief of this periodical.
Those whose lives have been touched in whatever manner by the theosophical philosophy have become heirs of a great tradition of an immortal wisdom. Knowledge of that tradition can be gained by study, by contemplation, even by discussion of the principles of the wisdom with others. But wisdom itself derives from a total knowing in which understanding is constantly expressed in all the modes of living. The legacy of wisdom to which we are heirs today is of such a nature that unless we are transformed by its vital quality, it can remain a sterile possession, locked in books and inaccessible to experience. A fundamental premise, presented in The Secret Doctrine, suggests the existence of an accumulated wisdom of the ages, today verifiable by experience and, capable of being tested by scientific premises. This knowledge, attested to by generations of seers and sages, can be said to constitute a pentagram of law, which finds its ultimate summation in man.
In the hands of its Guardians, who are the Adepts of the Wisdom, this knowledge is much more than a mere collection of doctrines; it is an evolving, living whole, as alive as the universe which is its visible expression. To assemble facts is not to encounter wisdom; to lay on a table all the component parts of a clock is not to experience the action of a watch nor is it to understand time. The legacy of wisdom to which we today are heirs is a total wisdom, each principle of which is but an aspect of the whole, and the whole is the expression of the all-embracing Consciousness that is the universe. As transmitted to us by that remarkable messenger, H. P. Blavatsky, the wisdom unfolds in a natural sequence of understanding, forming, as has just been suggested, a pentagram of law.
Primary among the principles is the fundamental premise that there is a Universal Reality, in which all is grounded, whose essence is Absolute Unconditioned Consciousness. The real is wholly non-material, as science today is discovering and demonstrating; Reality is, no matter what happens in the universal force field of infinite potentiality. We are embedded in that one Reality, and all transient “realities” obey the laws of the universal, impartible Reality. Its primal quality is awareness, consciousness (Chit), and so the universe is through and through conscious and alive; in and of itself, that Reality is timeless being (Sat), and its essential nature is harmonic in quality (Ananda), permitting by its very nature the beauty and bliss of order to arise in natural sequence.