Be welcome …always

A mystical observation by Richard Dvořák   

richard dvořák

Richard, worldcitizen, photographer. author and theosophist

During our walk yesterday, Gudrun, my wife for 27 years, and I, were talking about Putin’s war but we fell silent after some time, mainly because it is hard to talk while walking “uphill” at a fast pace.

I began working out ideas for this specific contribution to Theosophy Forward. When we reached the top, this row of poplars always seems to greet me from afar, and a photo series shot during the blue hour in the winter of 2016 came to my mind.

A note from Joma Sipe in Portugal (March-April 2022)

PE JS a 2 Joma Sipe

Joma Sipe

After I had finished my work for the frontispiece for the first Salon of Theosophy 2020, the frontispiece for The European School of Theosophy 2021 and the frontispiece for The Lucifer Collection 2021, I prepared the SOW (School of The Wisdom) Certificate that will be issued to students of the Adyar School of The Wisdom. This SOW Certificate has a lot of symbolism related to Theosophy and Adyar. It is explained in the attached link below.

Forty years ago … a contemplation

David M. Grossman – USA

1 mapa el salvador

In February 1982, precisely forty years ago, I accompanied a film crew to Honduras. We flew into the capital, Tegucigalpa, and then drove for hours out into the emptiness to a village called La Vertud near the Salvadorian border to a refugee camp run by the United Nations to house refugees fleeing the civil war in El Salvador. The village was so poor that folks came to the refugee camp for food.



A photo series by David M. Grossman

Some things you can do with music:

YOU CAN … compose it – play it – direct it – perform it – sing it – rehearse it – listen to it – watch it – look at it – study it – and most importantly …

 … it’s all interwoven with elegance:

“the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner; style, vibration or refined energy” 

Public Eye b

“A painting is music you can see and music is a painting you can hear” – Miles Davis

A note from Joma Sipe in Portugal - JULY, AUGUST 2021

Joma S

Joma Sipe, a driven artist and a very special Friend, on this photo being interviewed by a major Portuguese television station 

Dear all, 

After the work for the Frontispiece for The First Salon of Theosophy, I prepared the Frontispiece for The European School of Theosophy 2021, directed by Erica Georgiades, and the Frontispiece for The Lucifer Collection edited by Erica Georgiades and Juliet Bates.

Meeting Emilia

David meets Emilia

Public Eye 212 DG b

As I emerged from my thoughts and looked ahead walking down the street, there appeared before me a small bent form shrouded in a long coat and hat. I thought this is the endgame, this is where we end up, our eventual demise, decrepit old age.

Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?

A look at life by Richard Dvořák   

Medley 121 RD b

A seemingly dormant forest 

Each spring, there is a transformation one can tune into. From the dormant and energy conserving winter hibernation into an outburst of life force in spring. All we have to do is to spent some time in nature and observe. Stand still for a few moments. There is a joy that comes with those fresh colors and the first warm rays of the sun.