Adyar, Where Do We Go from Here?
Jan Nicolaas Kind – Brazil
"Theosophy has to fight intolerance, prejudice, ignorance and selfishness, hidden under the mantle of hypocrisy. It has to throw all the light it can from the torch of Truth, with which its servants are entrusted. It must do this without fear or hesitation, dreading neither reproof nor condemnation. Theosophy, through its mouthpiece, the Society, has to tell the TRUTH to the very face of LIE; to beard the tiger in its den, without thought or fear of evil consequences, and to set at defiance calumny and threats. As an Association, it has not only the right, but the duty to uncloak vice and do its best to redress wrongs, whether through the voice of its chosen lecturers or the printed word of its journals and publications—making its accusations, however, as impersonal as possible. But its Fellows, or Members, have individually no such right. Its followers have, first of all, to set the example of a firmly outlined and as firmly applied morality, before they obtain the right to point out, even in a spirit of kindness, the absence of a like ethic unity and singleness of purpose in other associations or individuals. No Theosophist should blame a brother, whether within or outside of the association; neither may he throw a slur upon another’s actions or denounce him, lest he himself lose the right to be considered as a Theosophist.” (H. P. Blavatsky, Collected Writings 7:174-5)
[Last year I published an open letter on a good friend’s web-site in both English and Spanish. The developments within the Adyar group, especially after the most recent International Convention, where no European members were invited to speak, and the General Council meeting held prior to that Convention made me decide to rewrite the letter as a short article. I love India. In spite of its serious environmental and infrastructural problems, with the city of Chennai rapidly moving up and strangling the compound, I love the Headquarters of the TS at Adyar, have dear Indian friends, and respect the Indian Section and all its members].
Luxury apartment-buildings right across the Adyar River are moving up and can be seen from Leadbeater Chambers on the estate of the TS