Mini-Interviews Bas Harpe
1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?
My name is Bas Harpe, I’m from Amsterdam and I’ve been a member of the TS for about three years now.
1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?
My name is Bas Harpe, I’m from Amsterdam and I’ve been a member of the TS for about three years now.
1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?
Manoj Thangavelu from Chennai. I have been a member of TS unofficially for over three decades or more but an active member the past five years.
1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?
My name is Laura Rodriguez, I am from Argentina and I am a member of the TS since 1992.
1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?
Divya Sornaraja, Chennai, India. Member of the TS Adyar lodge since October, 2015.
1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?
My name is Krista Umbjärv. I was born in Estonia and joined the H.P.B. Lodge (TS Adyar) in Tallinn, Estonia, in 2005, at the age of 18.
1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?
My name is José Manuel Anacleto, I am from Lisbon Portugal, although I rather consider myself a citizen of the world. I began to study Theosophy in 1979 and I did it with a group of friends, so I didn’t feel the call to join a Theosophical organisation, even at the time when we visited the Theosophical Society in Portugal (Adyar). Later (in 1988) I was one of the founders of an institution, the Centro Lusitano de Unificação Cultural-CLUC (Lusitanian Centre of Cultural Unification), (which is still active today, and is managed by myself), and although it is not strictly a Theosophical organisation, Theosophy is its key reference. At the CLUC, we publish several books and the Biosofia magazine ( ). I give conferences and courses and organise other activities (e.g. meditation practices) which are mostly Theosophical or generally connected to Esoteric Philosophy. In 2001, I became a member of the Portuguese Section of the Adyar Theosophical Society, basically to give my contribution. There, I was active for about 2 or 3 years, but stopped for several reasons. A little later (in 2006) I joined the United Lodge of Theosophists (ULT).
Message received from Leslie Price – England
Recently there has been renewed scholarly interest in the life and work of C.W. Leadbeater. In 2011, Richard Smoley edited for Quest Books a new edition of a work by Leadbeater now called A Christian Gnosis. In 2013, Quest produced a new edition of Leadbeater’s The Chakras edited by Kurt Leland. Leland has also written a valuable editorial report in the journal Theosophical History July 2014 on the problems in reconstructing the text and original illustrations for the book The Chakras.
CWL, photo taken in 1930 in Madras (now Chennai)
Foreword from the E-book:
Pearls of Joy is the title of a small booklet dedicated to the memory of Joy Mills, a great Theosophist, teacher and human being. Those who were fortunate enough to know her, work with her or study under her guidance will agree that words cannot describe this compassionate, wonderful and unforgettable Theosophical giant.
This E-book contains a unique in-depth interview with Joy and a number of quotations.
Joy served as President of the Theosophical Society in America from 1965–1974, and then as international Vice President in Adyar, India from 1974–1980. During 75 years of membership, Joy taught numerous courses, lectured in over 50 countries and authored several important books.
As a lecturer, with her recognizable and sonorous voice she excelled and was able to touch people’s hearts, whilst as a teacher she had the great gift to fully share with her students that what she herself had learnt over the many years of profound study.
Must sincerely thank Kathy Gann, Janet Kerschner and Anton Rozman for making this publication possible.
Jan Nicolaas Kind
Jan Nicolaas Kind – Brazil
Your editor’s desk
The Theosophical Society-Adyar is most definitely “on the move”, just as Theosophy Forward (TF) is. This E-magazine is seven years on the road now, doing its work serving, and time has gone by so very quickly. I often mentioned in talks and in my writings that TF’s conception in 2009 was wholly caused by pain and a deep frustration directly after the tumultuous 2008 election for International President of the TS-Adyar. Time had come to show the world that there is much more to Theosophy than skirmishes between members inside one of its vehicles, or some silly characters throwing mud around on internet forums. This magazine has always tried to transmit optimism and clarity while it has also offered a platform where all members, affiliates or students from the various Theosophical vehicles meet, by supporting the essential work of International Theosophy Conferences Inc. (ITC)
Foreword from the E-book:
Pearls of Joy is the title of this small booklet dedicated to the memory of Joy Mills, a great Theosophist, teacher and human being. Those who were fortunate enough to know her, work with her or study under her guidance will agree that words cannot describe this compassionate, wonderful and unforgettable Theosophical giant.
This E-book contains a unique in-depth interview with Joy and a number of quotations.
Joy served as President of the Theosophical Society in America from 1965–1974, and then as international Vice President in Adyar, India from 1974–1980. During 75 years of membership, Joy taught numerous courses, lectured in over 50 countries and authored several important books.
As a lecturer, with her recognizable and sonorous voice she excelled and was able to touch people’s hearts, whilst as a teacher she had the great gift to fully share with her students that what she herself had learnt over the many years of profound study.
Must sincerely thank Kathy Gann, Janet Kerschner and Anton Rozman for making this publication possible.
Jan Nicolaas Kind
Click on the cover to open the E-book
Here follows the adjusted version of the E-book, made suitable for Theosophy Forward the magazine.
1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?
My name is Warwick Keys, I live in New Zealand and I have been a Theosophist for 21 years, although I was teaching Theosophical understandings long before I joined the Society.
1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?
My name is Elly van Doorn and I was born and raised in the Netherlands, in the city of Arnhem. I have been a member of the Theosophical Society (TS Adyar) in Arnhem since the early nineties.