
International Conference in Alexandria-Egypt: July 12 – 24, 2012


A group of six enthusiastic Theosophists is working hard preparing an important gathering in Egypt’s Alexandria, which will take place in July 2012. This is a significant initiative and it deserves our attention. Theosophy Forward spoke with Erica Georgiades, one of the organizers, in order to find out more about this event.

1.    On  the web-site of Hypatia Lodge there is a good description of the Conference. Could you give us a short resume?

The purpose of the Conference will be to examine the source and foundations of the mystery and esoteric traditions; their expressions and nuances in the ancient and contemporary world along with the interface between ancient wisdom and modern scientific paradigms. As we will be returning to the cradle of so-called ‘Western Esotericism’ for this event, the Conference will be focusing upon the Hermeticism of Alexandria, neo-Platonism, former ancient Mysteries, and the modern Theosophical Movement; in view of their phenomenology, social impact, and nuances in the shaping of cultural and spiritual aspects of the contemporary western world. Special emphasis will be given to the Theosophical Society; its foundational structures and orientation, successions, impact, and its role as an artery in the continuation of esoteric culture and Higher Age teachings within the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

2.    When exactly did the idea for the Conference start to materialize?

In November of 2010 when the committee was organized.

3.    How many are in the committee, and are you all based in Greece?

The committee is composed of six members: Alistair Coombs from the UK, Nikos Fokas from Greece, Jerry Hejka-Ekins from the USA, John Gordon from the UK, and George and Erica Georgiades from Greece. 

4.    Would this event be interesting for Adyar Theosophists only, or are you also in touch with other Theosophical groups?

The suggested (not compulsory) topics for papers are: Ancient Mystery Traditions, the Hermeticism of Alexandria, Neo-Platonism, the Star-Lore of Ancient Egypt, Theosophical Connections with Egyptian Traditions, the Brotherhood of Luxor and its influence on the Theosophical Society,  Successions in the Theosophical Society [The Judge Case, etc.],  the Theosophical Movement in the 3rd Millennium, Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science, Modern Physics & The Secret Doctrine... So as you see the Conference is of interest not only for members of the T.S Adyar, or for the Theosophical Movement in general, but also for those dedicated to serious study of esoteric traditions. 

5.    Some claim that the Theosophical Society has lost much of its importance; many find their way to other spiritual movements. As organizers of such an important event, what is your opinion regarding this claim?

On the wider scale of things and the market now being saturated with an array of “esoteric” organizations, the TS certainly has lost a lot of appeal to many. But it still has managed 135 years of uninterrupted activity, and has become of importance in the serious historical study of esotericism. Many other organizations have come out of it. And while it may still be alive but not well, so to speak, it is still an attraction to many and has proved less evanescent and more global than many other guru-led organizations.

6.    Why was Alexandria chosen as the location for your meeting?

Alexandria was an example from the classical world where east met west in the formulation of many esoteric currents.

7.    If people are interested or want more information, what would be the best thing for them to do?

Due to the political and religious instability in Egypt, the conference was transferred to Greece. Full program will be released in October of 2011.

Anyone interested in contributing with a paper may visit the link below, download the pdf file and contact us.

Erica Georgiades

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