The Society

Mini-interviews Fernando Mansur


1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

My name is Fernando Mansur and I’ve been a member of the TS since 1985.

2. Are you active in your Lodge/Section and if so, what do you do?

I attend the meetings of my Lodge, in Florianópolis – SC – Brazil. Sometimes I give lectures I write books and also translate some works. I have a TV program to spread Theosophical ideas.

3, How did you first learn about Theosophy or come in contact with the Society?

My first contact with Theosophy was in Rio de Janeiro, where I lived for 40 years. A friend of mine gave me the address of the Society and I began to learn about Theosophy.

4. What does Theosophy mean to you?

Theosophy is the meaning of my life.

5, What is your favorite Theosophical book and why?

My favorite book is H.P.B.: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement, by Sylvia Cranston and Old Diary Leaves, by Col. Olcott. I like to know the history of our Society. It inspires me.

6. What in your opinion is the biggest challenge the TS is facing at the moment?

I think that the Society, as a whole, needs to enter more deeply into the original teachings of the Masters and H.P. Blavatsky. We can never forget the initial impulse from the Masters and the Founders. They are the source of the Theosophical work and its permanent inspiration.

7. Is there anything you would wish for the future of the Theosophical Movement?

I wish that we continue to keep the ties unbroken.

From the editor:

Opinions and ideas expressed in the mini-interviews are exclusively of those who are being interviewed. They don’t necessarily represent the ideas and opinions of the compilers of Theosophy Forward. The responses of the interviewees are not edited for content. Some contributors give short answers to the questions while others touch upon the subject more elaborately.