Miscellany and Trivia

Anecdote Ben Goerion – First Prime Minister of Israel (1886 – 1973)

Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion was once upbraided by President Chaim Weizmann for appearing at a formal dinner in typical Israeli fashion, with an unbuttoned collar and no jacket or tie.

"How can you show up dressed like this at a state dinner?" Weizmann asked. "Think of all the foreign guests who are here."

"But Winston Churchill," Ben-Gurion claimed, "gave me his permission."

"What do you mean Winston Churchill gave you permission?" Weizmann replied. "He's not even here!"

"Well," Ben-Gurion explained with a smile, "when I last visited London, Churchill said to me, 'Mr. Prime Minister, in Israel you may dress that way, but not in London'!"