The Society

Mini-interviews Uma Bhattacharyya

The Society MI 6 120 Uma

  1. What’s your name, where are you from and how long have you been a member of the TS?

I am Uma Bhattacharyya from Varanasi, India. Though I formally became member of The Theosophical Society in 2007, I was associated with it since my childhood as I studied in the school and college situated within the TS campus built by the great visionary & theosophist Dr. Annie Besant.

  1. Are you active in your Lodge/Section and if so, what do you do?

I am a voluntary worker with the Indian Section at the headquarters in Varanasi and assisting the Society in managing the college, i.e., Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya and the 312 bedded hostel, i.e., Vasant Balika Vihar in the capacity of manager. Apart from this I provide all assistance in organizing and holding various activities of the TS.

  1. How did you first learn about Theosophy or come in contact with the Society?

I am associated with the Theosophical Society from my childhood as reflected above. I grew up in the cool shade of the TS and as a student I learnt about theosophical literature and entered into the theosophical world imbibing theosophical values and spirit.

  1. What does Theosophy mean to you?

Theosophy has been a great source of inspiration in my pursuit of spiritual evolution. I see theosophy as a great platform which will ultimately lead me to the ultimate goal of life i.e., self-realization.

  1. What is your favorite Theosophical book and why?

My favorite book is The Voice of the Silence as it provides me a lot of insight into the spiritual world.

  1. What in your opinion is the biggest challenge the TS is facing at the moment?

I feel we need to have such people in the Theosophical Society who have assimilated theosophical values in them and by their own example can motivate/inspire the younger generation to the theosophical world.

  1. Is there anything you would wish for the future of the Theosophical Movement?

I wish that the younger generation who are yet to find their path and living a chaotic life join this theosophical movement so that we all can usher into a beautiful world.

From the editor:

Opinions and ideas expressed in the mini-interviews are exclusively of those who are being interviewed. They don’t necessarily represent the ideas and opinions of the compilers of Theosophy Forward. The responses of the interviewees are not edited for content. Some contributors give short answers to the questions while others touch upon the subject more elaborately.

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