
Jan Nicolaas Kind – Brazil

Jan Nicolaas Kind

Nowadays life is hardly possible without computers and it is an increasingly virtual environment that we are creating. We can become a virtual member of an organization, we meet virtual friends on Facebook or other social Networking sites, and we can read EBooks on a PC or tablet. We can visit virtual libraries and virtually take books from a shelf, and we can even enter virtual meditation rooms if we choose to do so.

Virtual meditation room

As editor of Theosophy Forward I am very much aware of the modern times, but it remains the objective to have Theosophy Forward solely function as a pointer. Ultimately its readers should join a study group in real time, become an active member in real time, talk to others in real time, disseminate Theosophy and above all serve in real time; the world is so much in need of it.

Visit a library in real time

While in Julian, California, last August, attending the gathering of the International Theosophy Conferences Inc., I was struck by the enthusiasm of a group of serious young students connected with the Point Loma group in The Hague, Holland. Emphasis there is given to serious and regular study, whereby positions or titles within the group itself are considered to be completely irrelevant. The study procedures that students of the United Lodge of Theosophists follow are equally interesting to take note of.

It is not possible to define what Theosophy is; there is no “official” definition, therefore we cannot go around “proclaiming” what we think Theosophy is, instead we should consider ourselves seekers for truth, students first and foremost, freethinkers, always committed to serve humanity as a whole. In order to find our way in the most ancient system of thinking on earth, dedicated study is the key, rather than having others tell us what to think. It is wonderful and encouraging that younger women and men in particular are now discovering that what our Messenger, H. P. Blavatsky, shared with us is so fascinating.

Study in real time and find out for yourself

Study in order to gain mere intellectual knowledge is of no use at all; the understanding obtained must benefit not only ourselves but others as well, if we are sincere in our desire to form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity. Study will make us aware, and if needed even discerning, because Theosophy is everything, but not everything is Theosophy.

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